发布时间:2018-01-06 00:00
本文关键词:纪录片《地平线外之“庭院深深深几许”》创作报告 出处:《上海大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着社会的发展,农村在不断转型和向现代化、城市化迈进过程中,,地窨院作为不符合时代潮流与人们生活需求的历史建筑正面临被填毁、改造或发展成旅游文化“牺牲品”的局面,住在里面的老人面对无人继承的无奈现实也都纷纷走出地窨,在不久的将来,地窨院的原始样貌和住在下面的居民的生存状态将渐渐消失。抱着对历史遗迹的探究,对这座目前中国保存最完好的地窨院建筑现在、未来的见证,我们走进这座位于山西省运城市平陆县的地窨院,以记述为主,用平实的语言纪录了生活在院中两位老人朴实平淡的日常生活,表现这种独特生存条件下所体现出的生存智慧与坚守。 作为反映山西民俗文化专题纪录片《地平线外》其中之一,影片一方面透露出对这种独特文化习俗渐渐消逝和原有生存模式面临转变的现实的留恋;同时,通过从对政府相关人员的采访、拍摄,了解到有关地窨院未来的发展方向、可能性——与当地开发商合作,采取招标形式对现存地窨院采取相应的翻修、维护,在为其申请非物质文化遗产保护的同时,地窨院将作为旅游景点仅供人们参观。 该报告从纪录片创作角度,在对前期理论、实践经验总结的基础上,交代选题初衷及背景,回顾了纪录片的拍摄过程,分析在各环节存在的问题并总结经验教训,以期为之后的创作提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:With the development of society, rural areas are in constant transformation and modernization, in the process of city economy, Space Academy as the times and the needs of people living historical buildings are being filled or destroyed, the transformation development of tourism culture "victim" of the situation, in which the old man in the face of the helpless reality have no inheritance out of space, in the near future, the Inspection Institute of the original appearance and residents living existence will gradually disappear. Hold on the historical relics, the current China best preserved space building now, the future of the witness, we walked into this is located in Shanxi city of Yuncheng province Pinglu County Land Inspection Institute, to record, using plain language to record life in hospital in two elderly plain dull daily life, living wisdom and stick to the performance of this unique survival condition is embodied.
As a reflection of Shanxi folk culture feature documentary "Horizon > one, the film reveals the unique culture of the customs gradually disappear and the original survival mode faces the transformation of the reality of the nostalgia; at the same time, shooting through from the relevant government personnel interview, the solution to the development direction, the future possibility of hospital inspection. In cooperation with local developers, take the tender form of the existing Inspection Institute to take corresponding renovation, maintenance, for the protection of intangible cultural heritage for its at the same time, Space Academy will be as a tourist attraction for people to visit.
From the perspective of documentary creation, based on the summary of previous theories and practical experience, the report reviewed the original intention and background of the topic selection, reviewed the filming process of the documentary, analyzed the problems in every link, and summarized experiences and lessons, so as to provide references for later creation.
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