发布时间:2018-01-20 06:13
本文关键词: “恶女” “恶女三部曲” 日本影视剧 “恶魔性因素” 松本清张 出处:《上海戏剧学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:日本朝日电视台自2004年到2007年,,陆续根据本国国宝级社会派推理小说家松本清张的三部小说为原型,制作了三部同名电视剧:《黑色皮革手册》、《野兽之道》和《坏人们》,这三部戏彻底颠覆了以往影视剧对主要人物的设定,创新式地把反面人物“恶女”作为了主要描述对象,这一反其道而行之的做法却让“恶女三部曲”赢得了广泛的赞誉。为探究这一奇怪的现象,本文以“恶女三部曲”中创新型“恶女”形象为切入点,从横向社会因素、纵向历史因素两个层面出发,全面而详尽地分析日本影视剧频繁出现“恶女”人物形象背后的原因,及其塑造创新型“恶女”人物的编剧技巧。 本论文一共由绪论、四个章节、结语三部分组成。绪论全景式展现“恶女”一词的定义及研究现状,确立本文研究对象为极富魅力,懂得运用自己特长满足自己欲望的女性,而不是普遍理解上的丑妇或恶妇。第一章罗列了日本影视剧中五类“恶女”形象,并分析其在叙事上的功能作用。第二章概括日本“恶女”形象转变的路径:由西方影响下嗜性的“恶”到谋杀犯罪的“恶”,再到如今符合“恶魔性因素”的“恶”,及该形象在不同领域的发展现状。第三章指出日本人钟情于“恶女”原因:日本推理小说盛行,日本人独特观点中把“恶”当成了人性的一部分,还有永恒母亲形象已不复存在。最后一章站在编剧的高度,从人物塑造、叙事策略、题材选择三个角度阐述了创新型“恶女”艺术手法上的与众不同之处。结语则在前面内容的基础上对当今日本“恶女”形象的产生发展进行了总结梳理。希望以此为我国电视剧主要人物塑造上的创新产生借鉴价值。
[Abstract]:From 2004 to 2007, Japan Asahi Television produced three TV dramas of the same name, Black Leather Manual, based on three novels by Matsumoto Seicho, a social reasoning novelist of the national treasure school. "the way of the Beast" and "the Bad Men", these three plays completely overturn the previous film and television drama on the main characters, innovative to the villain "evil woman" as the main object of description. In order to explore this strange phenomenon, this article starts with the innovative image of "evil girl" in "evil girl trilogy". From two aspects of horizontal social factors and vertical historical factors, the reasons behind the frequent appearance of the characters of "evil women" in Japanese films and TV plays are analyzed comprehensively and in detail. And the writer's skill of creating the characters of "evil woman". This paper consists of three parts: introduction, four chapters and conclusion. The introduction shows the definition and research status of the term "evil woman" in a panoramic way, and establishes the research object of this paper as the most attractive. The first chapter lists five kinds of images of "evil women" in Japanese movies and TV dramas. The second chapter summarizes the path of the image transformation of Japanese "evil women": from "evil" under the influence of the West to the "evil" of murder. The third chapter points out the reason why Japanese love for "evil women": the prevalence of Japanese reasoning novels. The Japanese view of "evil" as a part of human nature, as well as the image of eternal mother no longer exist. The last chapter stands at the height of the screenwriter, from the characterization, narrative strategy. This paper expounds the differences in the artistic techniques of innovative "evil women" from three angles of theme selection. The conclusion is based on the previous contents of the Japanese "evil women". This paper summarizes and combs the emergence and development of the image, hoping that it can be used for reference in the creation of the main characters of Chinese TV dramas.
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