本文关键词: 商业性短视频 趣缘社群 审美构建 技术应用 传播应用 出处:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The impact of the Internet on the field of communication has brought a new industry model. A short video with its abundant information, strong ability to art, high content, characteristics of cultural values become significant commercial communication force. Due to the formation of interest related dissemination of network and the network community interest margin will naturally become the new position of commercial short video delivery in this context, how to scientific and rational way of creating commercial short video works, has become the most basic subject. In this paper, practitioners from multiple angles, a detailed analysis of fusion rules of different factors between the system characteristics of the business of short video in its application, should follow the multi-level dimensions creation of commercial short video process. Commercial short video interpretation in the network application mode of interest in the community around the edge of the article. Firstly explains the commercial short video and Internet interest related group The definition, characteristics and interaction, secondly aesthetic dimension and value of commercial short video relying on Internet interest related community spread construction is divided into three parts: "postmodernism" get rid of the grand narrative of the barriers, commercial short video should show the diverse connotation of culture, embodies its discourse the right to defend and uphold; should pay attention to the expression of emotion in symbolic perception, cultural sublimation of the progressive relationship of commercial short video "Symbol Aesthetics" construction; from the new spirit of modern history, art commercialization, "three aspects of refined culture" film culture landscape reconstruction of "mass culture" theory of take the lead. In the application of commercial short video, should be created in five dimensions, respectively, is light and its extension, the two-dimensional plane space, three-dimensional space, motion space between voice and four. In the commercial dimension. A short video of the aesthetic application, from the core culture, the value of total credit, consumer trust, the amalgamation of the four aspects of reconstruction of the structure; to gather user operations, core benefits, the establishment of multiple expansion series continues, four ways of constructing of advantages of IP; and the use of network interoperability the platform, as well as online and offline cooperative mode, commercial short video in the collaborative use of interest related communities.
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