发布时间:2018-04-01 17:01
本文选题:顾长卫 切入点:悲剧 出处:《西北大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:进入新世纪以来,顾长卫完成了自我身份的转换,从摄影师成为了电影导演,相继推出了三部电影作品:《孔雀》、《立春》、《最爱》,在国内外获奖无数,引起了不小的反响。这三部作品,均是在特定的时代社会背景下探讨人物的生活与命运,人物理想与时代潮流之间的抗衡、人物命运与社会现实的碰撞而导致的悲剧性的生活与状态。顾长卫导演将镜头对准了现实社会与底层人群,表现出了对普通平凡人物的慈悲关怀,悲剧的塑造,使这三部电影作品展现出了撼动人心的极大力量。悲剧,显然成为了顾长卫导演的这三部电影作品的一个重要标签。 本篇论文旨在研究顾长卫导演电影作品中的悲剧性,运用悲剧理论、作者电影、类型电影等理论为研究方法,对顾长卫的导演电影作品进行了较为深入的研究与分析。首先,从时代和导演本人入手,探讨这三部电影作品的悲剧主题意蕴的具体体现及其成因。然后,详细分析和论述顾长卫导演所运用的独特的艺术手法来塑造悲剧和表现悲剧,以至于能达到如此高超的艺术水准和艺术表现力。最后,将顾长卫导演的这三部电影作品放到当前整个中国的电影环境中来,研究其对当前中国电影的现实意义和创作上的启示。
[Abstract]:These three works are the tragic life and state caused by the collision between the characters' fate and the social reality, the struggle between the characters' ideals and the trend of the times, and the discussion of the life and fate of the characters under the specific social background of the times.Director Gu Changwei focused the lens on the real society and the people at the bottom, showing the compassion and concern for ordinary people and the creation of tragedy, which made the three films show the great power of shaking the hearts of the people.Tragedy has clearly become an important label of the three films directed by Gu Changwei.The purpose of this thesis is to study the tragedy of Gu Changwei's director's film works. By using the theory of tragedy, author's film and genre film as the research method, this paper makes a deep research and analysis on Gu Changwei's director's film works.First of all, starting with the times and the director himself, this paper probes into the concrete embodiment and causes of the tragic theme of these three films.Then, the author analyzes and discusses in detail the unique artistic techniques used by Director Gu Changwei to shape tragedy and performance tragedy, so that he can achieve such a superb artistic level and artistic expressiveness.Finally, the three films directed by Gu Changwei are put into the current Chinese film environment to study their realistic significance and inspiration to the current Chinese films.
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