本文选题:绘本改编 + 跨媒介 ; 参考:《南京艺术学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:绘本因为它丰富的画面表现手法和生动精辟的故事情节而受到许多幼儿以及成人的喜爱,,随着多媒体技术的发展,纸媒与数媒的转换成为热潮,而其中人们发现绘本不论从艺术特色还是故事内容都非常适合改编成动画片,在美国、日本等国家将绘本改编成动画的优秀案例有很多,但在我国,将绘本改编成动画还处在萌芽发展的阶段,在这个关键的时期,研究分析绘本的动画改编是必要的,绘本改编成动画是多媒体时代发展的要求,将视听语言和平面阅读结合在一起的方式,能够让人们爱上绘本和动画,同时促进绘本以及动画的发展,也为中国的动画发展多了一个创新开拓的方向。 本文对绘本的动画改编这一趋势做详细的介绍,并且探讨研究绘本改编成动画的创作实际要素,着重从绘本的动画改编这一新型动画形式的创作要素、创作技巧深入解析,达到理论与实际相结合的效果,通过尝试分析与归纳总结,能够使本文给国内绘本的动画改编创作者提供有价值的信息以及引发新的启示。
[Abstract]:Picture books are loved by many young children and adults because of their rich graphic presentation and vivid and incisive storylines. With the development of multimedia technology, the conversion between print and digital media has become an upsurge. Among them, people find that picture books are very suitable for adaptation into cartoons, both in terms of their artistic characteristics and story content. In the United States, Japan and other countries, there are many excellent cases of adaptation of picture books into animation, but in our country, The adaptation of picture books into animation is still in the embryonic stage of development. In this critical period, it is necessary to study and analyze the animation adaptation of picture books, and the adaptation of picture books into animation is the requirement of the development of the multimedia era. The combination of audio-visual language and graphic reading can make people fall in love with picture books and animation, promote the development of picture books and animation, and also provide an innovative and pioneering direction for the development of animation in China. This paper gives a detailed introduction to the trend of animation adaptation of picture books, and probes into the actual elements of the creation of picture book adaptation into animation, focusing on the creative elements of the new animation form of picture book adaptation, as well as the deep analysis of creative skills. To achieve the effect of combining theory with practice, through trying to analyze and summarize, this paper can provide valuable information to the domestic animation adapters of picture books and lead to new enlightenment.
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