本文选题:“渝派”纪录片 + 文献纪录片 ; 参考:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:“渝派”纪录片的概念自2007年在《时代信报》上提出以来,已经发展了7年有余。几年中,“渝派”纪录片在国内外的影响力日益显著,精品纪录片创作开始形成“三足鼎立”的繁盛奇景:“一足”是以历史考古类为题材的纪录片,代表作为《远祖之谜》和《巴人之谜》,“二谜”的成功很大程度上构建了“渝派”纪录片的品牌传播体系和美学风格建设;“二足”是以《进城》《细细的小雨》等作品为代表的人文自然类纪录片,影视人类学纪录片《进城》不仅在内容上体现了“渝派”纪录片人一贯秉承的纪实美学风格,同时对“渝派”精神内核的彰显也可谓淋淋尽致,充分展现了“渝派”纪录片作为一株“石缝中的黄桷树”,它的题材来自社会底层,以冷色还原小人物的冷暖人生,将重庆大山大水的血性豪迈和顽强不屈的人物个性充分体现在影片中;而第“三足”,正是本文力图研究和阐释的历史文献类纪录片。 作为我国独有的一种纪录片片种,历史文献纪录片一直以颇具政论色彩的身份顽强的活跃在更新换代的纪录片市场中,近几年竟有如火如荼的增长趋势。追其缘由,不外乎是中国上下五千年历史悠久的文化古迹,如同一个巨大的宝库,拥有丰厚的史学资料。在过去,因为题材的敏感性和创作手法的局限性,很少有人涉猎,如今随着改革开放的进程日益深入,开放的史学观念也深入人心,技术的进步更使得庞杂衰落的古迹遗产和文献资料得以还原出历史本真。 “渝派”纪录片自成立以来一直紧跟时代发展的步伐。在历史文献片成为主流纪录片的今天,“渝派”创作的大型历史文献纪录片《千秋红岩》在万众期待下登上了舞台。分八集讲述了中共中央南方局这一个被历史忽略的重要机构在国共合作和抗日战争期间所发挥的举足轻重的作用,同时,也对“红岩”精神的传承以及现代观念的误读做了溯本追源的澄清。从传播学的角度来说,《千秋红岩》的成功并不是一蹴而就的,早在“渝派”成立之初,讲述邓小平伟大生平的历史文献片《主政大西南》就已经开启了“渝派”历史文献纪录片摸索的大门。之后的十集纪录片《见证三峡》,与央视等电视台联合创作的三十集文献纪录长片《中国1978-2008》,以及与铜梁电视台合作生产的讲述平民音乐家的文献纪录片《刘雪庵》,与民营企业可立吉影视制作公司联合打造的十集文献纪录片《大后方电影》,都为《千秋红岩》的最终成功铺平了道路。本文着重从时代政治语境和“渝派”自身发展语境的双重影响下,论述了“渝派”历史文献纪录片产生的原因,以及其作为“渝派”中流砥柱的三大类型之一,所展现的美学特征对“渝派”风格的延续和更新;并以《千秋红岩》作为案例,深入影像文本,探究“渝派”历史文献纪录片在主题选择、叙事结构和表现手法上的创新和突破,以及全媒体营销理念的现实尝试;最后,《千秋红岩》作为“渝派”历史文献纪录片的扛鼎之作,它对“渝派”品牌及影响力的建构作用。 纵观当下,尽管各种类型的精品纪录片日渐丰盈,甚至不少已经冲出国门,在国外诸多奖项中颇有斩获,同时,以重庆科教频道为播出平台的栏目纪录片也取得了良好的播出效果,创作团队日益壮大。但让人颇为惋惜的是,关于“渝派”纪录片的理论研究和相关著述至今仍然屈指可数,在学界对“渝派”纪录片这一概念的存在也还留存质疑之声。因此,对“渝派”纪录片品牌的打造更显急迫和重要。
[Abstract]:Since 2007 , the concept of " Yu School " documentary has been developed for more than seven years . In the past few years , the " Yu School " documentary has become more and more influential at home and abroad .
The " two feet " is the humanities nature documentary , which is represented by the small rain forest , such as the small rain forest , which is made into the city of the city . The film and television anthropology documentary is not only reflected in the content , but also shows the " Chongqing school " documentary film as a " HuangjuTree " in the stone joint . The theme is from the bottom of the society , the cold and warm life of the small figure is reduced by the cold color , and the personality of the big water in Chongqing is fully reflected in the film ;
And the " third - foot " is the historical document documentary designed and explained in this paper .
As a documentary film of our country , the documentary documentary has been active in the documentary market of the new generation in recent years . As a huge treasure house , it has rich historical data . In the past , with the deepening of the process of reform and opening up , the concept of open historiography is deeply rooted in people ' s minds .
From the angle of communication , the author discusses the causes of the documentary documentary of " Yu School " and the historical document documentary , " Yu School " , which is the important role played by the historical documentary documentary , " Yu School " , and its three major types as the mainstay of the " Yu School " .
In this paper , the author explores the innovation and breakthrough of the documentary documentary on the theme selection , the narrative structure and the expression technique , and the realistic attempt of the whole media marketing concept .
In the end , the " Yu - School " historical documentary documentary series is the most important part of the construction of the brand and influence of " Yu - school " .
In view of the present situation , even though various kinds of high - quality documentary films are getting more and more abundant , and even many of them have already punched out the national gate , and many awards in foreign countries have gained good results , and the creative team is growing . However , the theoretical research and relevant writings on the " Yu - school " documentary film have still yielded good results , and the existence of the concept of " Yu - school " documentary film has also been questioned . Therefore , it is more urgent and important to build the brand of " Yu - school " documentary .
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3 张红军;九十年代中国纪录片透视[D];南京师范大学;2002年
4 姜贵欣;文献纪录片的类型化研究[D];东北师范大学;2006年
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