本文选题:跨国交流 + 影视文化产业 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As an important consumer activity, film and television products have become the pillar of the national cultural industry. In 2012, the total consumption of the film industry in the world reached 62.04 billion US dollars, and Asia has replaced Europe as the world's second largest film market. Thanks to the rapid growth of the Chinese film market, the negotiations on a new deal for Chinese and American films in 2012 were completed, and the two sides agreed to increase the number of American blockbusters to 34 a year. This will undoubtedly form a certain impact on the development of Chinese film and television industry in a certain period. Although China's film and television culture industry is developing rapidly, in the face of the impact of the New deal between China and the United States, there are many problems worth studying on how to make the "cake" of the "film and television culture industry" bigger and how to make the film and television industry of China develop to a higher level. These are outstanding questions that should be considered in the field of international business. At present, the industry of Chinese film and television culture industry only simply pay attention to the box office income of film and television products and the protection of related intellectual property rights, but ignore the economic linkage effect behind it. First, through the market development of the film and television derivative products, the paper makes a beneficial exploration on how to make the "cake" of "film and television culture industry" bigger; secondly, it introduces the economic principle of "technology spillover effect". To understand and analyze the impact of international film and television product exchange on a country's related industries from a deep level. The relevant research conclusions are of great significance to the development of Chinese film and television culture industry to a higher level. This paper shows the core value of the paper from the angle of economics. It is the first time to decompose the economic linkage effect system of "film and television industry" into three kinds of phenomena, such as "movie and television intelligence achievement", "film and television service" and related "real products", and discuss them deeply: for the first time, thinking about "film and television production from the angle of technology spillover" Introduction of "social macro-effects." On the basis of the above analysis, many suggestions and ideas are put forward for the development of China's film and television industry. This paper starts with the research theme of Chinese film and television culture industry and mainly uses four research methods: comparative research method, literature research method, qualitative analysis method and statistical method to analyze and expound the related problems. At the same time, it gives full play to the advantages of international business major, analyzes Chinese film and television culture industry from a new angle, enriches and develops the development theory of film and television culture industry with its theory and innovation, and also provides important enlightenment to the follow-up research in related fields.
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