本文选题:人性 + 真人秀 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:《试镜》探讨的是关于艺术与道德博弈的问题。艺术是用能激发他人思想和感情的形态或景象来表达现实。道德是一种社会意识形态,,是人们共同生活及其行为的准则与规范。在《饥饿的苏丹》中,艺术牺牲了一个小孩,而道德也逼死了一个艺术家。鱼和熊掌似乎令我们难以抉择。。。。。。面对这种困惑,艺术和道德应该如何张弛? “试镜”剧组招募演员参加试镜,演员却被李代桃僵,柳欣一心渴望成为女主角,意外获得寄错的试镜邀请信函,参加了试镜,却遭遇了一连串诡异事件,甚至遭到恐吓、强奸,看似一场巨大诈骗阴谋的背后却是名为追求艺术的真人秀。导演梁俊隐藏针孔摄像头,安排各种情境让演员陷入绝境,期待阴暗面下真正的人性;当真相逐渐揭露之时,柳欣可怕的记忆却逐渐被唤醒,她发现自己之前似乎来过这个房间,痛苦的记忆碎片不断出现,她竟然发现自己一直依赖的姐姐柳禅就是自己的另外一面人格,自己已经参加过一次试镜,并惨遭副导演杀害,弃尸荒野。此次试镜是另一个“自己”谋划的一场复仇计。 该片不奢望界限分明地站在哪一个立场,影片以循环式的“试镜”收尾,旨在给出一个开放式的结局,引发观众继续思考艺术与道德之间的博弈问题,给艺术的先锋开拓者和传统卫道士一个审判的舞台,让他们找到自己心中的标尺。
[Abstract]:Audition is about the game between art and morality. Art is the expression of reality in a form or scene that inspires the thoughts and feelings of others. Morality is a kind of social ideology, and it is the norm and criterion of people's common life and behavior. In Hunger Sudan, art sacrifices a child, and morality kills an artist. Fish and paws seem to make it difficult for us to choose. In the face of this confusion, how should art and morality Zhang Chi? The "audition" cast recruited actors for the audition, but the actors were stiffened by Li Daitao. Liu Xin was eager to become a heroine and accidentally received the wrong audition invitation letter. He took part in the audition, but encountered a series of strange incidents and even been intimidated. Rape, what seems to be a huge fraud plot, is behind a reality show called the pursuit of Art. Director Liang Jun hides the pinhole camera, arranges all sorts of situations to let the actor fall into despair, anticipates under the dark side the real humanity; as the truth gradually reveals, Liu Xin's terrible memory is gradually awakened. She found that she seemed to have been in the room before, and that painful memory fragments were constantly appearing. She even found that her sister Liu Chan, who had always depended on her, was the other side of herself. She had already taken part in an audition and was killed by a deputy director. Abandon the body in the wilderness. The audition is another "own" plot of revenge. The film does not expect to have a clear line on which position to stand. The film ends with a circular audition aimed at giving an open ending and provoking viewers to continue to think about the game between art and morality. Give art pioneers and traditional defenders a trial stage to find their own inner ruler.
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