本文选题:影视剧版权 + 一体化战略 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:近几年,在国家文化大发展大繁荣的总体战略指导思想下,文化产业各相关层面、市场主体纷纷落地了各式各样的政策方针、发展方案以及对策,力图能紧跟国家产业发展主流,把握市场发展契机。作为文化产业的重头戏和主要表象,影视剧产业不仅迎来了铺天盖地的政策面利好消息,也成为资本市场、传统媒体和新媒体等竞相进入的市场领域。在政策、市场两相辉映的情况下,包括深圳传媒集团在内的各大国有传媒集团或地方电视台,纷纷在影视剧版权方面实行了重点资金投入、人力投入和物力投入,希望实现社会效益和经济效益的双回报和高收益,在竞争中保持领先地位。 本文从深圳传媒集团作为地方性广电传媒集团的客观实际出发,有针对性地对深圳传媒集团所处的宏观环境、行业及市场环境以及深圳传媒集团内部资源和实力进行了深度思考,首先运用PEST分析方法、波特五力模型等工具,对影视剧产业的政策法律导向、经济发展趋势、技术变革、行业状况和市场竞争进行分析,得出在国家鼓励影视剧等文化创意产业发展、传统媒体与新媒体的竞争与融合的趋势下,深圳传媒集团的外部机会与威胁。其次运用价值链分析工具等,对深圳传媒集团影视剧版权业务的构成要素、资源优势与核心能力进行了系统分析,找出了集团的内部优势与劣势。最后,在运用SWOT工具进行全面分析的基础上,最终确定深圳传媒集团实施影视剧版权一体化战略,并因地制宜地提出集团实施一体化战略的实施方案、战略评价与控制方法。 通过本文的研究,深圳传媒集团能够系统地确定影视剧版权一体化战略实施方案,改善集团自主影视剧版权资源不足的局面,更好地集聚优质资源,积淀集团自有的媒体资源库,打造完备的影视剧版权产业链和价值链,实现版权价值的深度挖掘和提升,将集团打造成为精品影视剧版权生产基地,将内容生产力作为集团的经济增长点,增强集团的市场竞争力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, under the overall strategic guiding ideology of the great development and prosperity of the national culture and the related aspects of the cultural industry, the market subjects have landed with various policies, policies and policies, the development scheme and the countermeasures, trying to follow the mainstream of the national industrial development and grasp the market development deed machine. The drama industry has not only ushered in the good news, but also the capital market, the traditional media and the new media and other competitive market areas. In the case of the policy, the big countries including the Shenzhen media group, including the media group or the local television station, have carried out the copyright of the film and TV play. We hope to achieve double returns and high returns of social and economic benefits and maintain a leading position in the competition.
From the objective reality of the Shenzhen media group as a local radio and television group, this paper makes a deep consideration of the macro environment, industry, market environment and the internal resources and strength of the media group of Shenzhen media group. First, it uses the PEST analysis method, Potter's five force model and other tools, to the film and television dramas. The policy and legal orientation of the industry, the trend of economic development, the technological change, the situation of the industry and the market competition are analyzed. It is concluded that in the trend of the development of cultural and creative industries such as film and television drama, the competition and integration of the traditional media and the new media, the external opportunities and threats of the Shenzhen media group, and the second use of the value chain analysis tools, are deep. Shenzhen media group film and television play copyright business components, resource advantages and core competence to carry out a systematic analysis, find out the internal advantages and disadvantages of the group. Finally, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the use of SWOT tools, the final determination of the Shenzhen media group to implement the film and TV play version of the integration strategy, and put forward the group reality according to local conditions. Implementation strategy of integrated strategy, strategy evaluation and control method.
Through the study of this article, Shenzhen media group can systematically determine the implementation of the film and TV play copyright integration strategy, improve the situation of the lack of copyright resources of the group's independent film and television drama, better gather quality resources, accumulate the group's own media resource bank, create a complete chain of copyright industry and value chain, and realize the value of copyright. In depth mining and promotion, the group will be built into a production base for the copyright of the fine film and television drama, and the content productivity is regarded as the economic growth point of the group, and the market competitiveness of the group is enhanced.
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