本文选题:西方名著 + 电影改编 ; 参考:《杭州师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:电影自诞生以来就与文学结下了不解之缘,最初的电影被看成是奇技淫巧的杂耍,是文学为它提供了源源不断的滋养,成为电影走向艺术殿堂的拐杖;另一方面,文学借助电影先天的传播优势使得自身被更多的人接触,达到经典普及的目的。 随着以图像文化为特征的大众传媒时代的到来,电影作为时代的“宠儿”,终结了文学在精神传播领域的霸主地位。在视觉文化和消费文化的冲击下,文学名著的电影改编是对文学的一次亵渎,还是文学寻求突破的出路?本文围绕着媒介转换中文学和电影的改编关系,结合文学文本和电影实例,重点论述西方名著电影改编的特征,审视电影改编的得与失,试探寻现代文化语境中电影改编的发展方向和前途。全文共分为以下五个部分: 绪论对文学和电影百年互动的历史做了总括性的描述,并系统梳理了国内文学作品影视改编的研究状况,分析电影改编研究存在的不足,提出对现代文化语境下西方名著的电影改编进行深入研究的必要。 第一章是从外部环境入手,着重论述现代文化语境的特征,考察文学名著电影改编背后的时代语境和文化症候,阐明文学和电影的互动关系受视觉文化和消费文化的深刻影响。 第二章是从内部创作手法入手,论述改编自西方名著的电影在当下文化语境下所呈现的内涵和特征:电影创作者在改编文学名著时采用了“大众化”的改编策略,将繁复主题简单明晰化、提炼并放大小说中的可视性因素并融入刨作者的主观意志和当下的时代色彩。 第三章是案例分析,对两部最新版的改编自西方名著的电影《简·爱》和《安娜·卡列尼娜》进行整体研究,总结改编上的特质。 第四章通过改编过程中,电影对文学的消解作用和建构作用,分析文学与电影联姻的得与失。试探寻文学和电影如何共入佳境,阐明电影改编文学作品时要走出刻板复制原著的困境、摆脱只追求感官刺激的泥潭、跳出商业媚俗的窠臼,方能达成共赢。
[Abstract]:Since its birth, the film has been closely related to literature. The original film was regarded as an acrobatic juggernaut of whimsical skill. Literature provided it with a constant supply of nourishment and became the crutch of film to the palace of art; on the other hand, Literature makes itself contact with more people by virtue of the inherent communication advantage of movies, and achieves the goal of popularization of classics. With the arrival of the mass media era characterized by image culture, film as the "darling" of the times has ended the dominant position of literature in the field of spiritual communication. Under the impact of visual culture and consumer culture, is the adaptation of famous literary films a blasphemy to literature, or is it a way for literature to seek a breakthrough? This paper focuses on the relationship between the media conversion between Chinese studies and film adaptation, combining with literary texts and film examples, focusing on the characteristics of western film adaptation, and examining the gains and losses of film adaptation. To explore the development direction and future of film adaptation in the context of modern culture. The full text is divided into the following five parts altogether: the introduction has made the overall description to the literature and the movie hundred years interactive history, and has combed the domestic literature work film adaptation research situation systematically, analyzed the film adaptation research existence insufficiency, It is necessary to study the adaptation of western famous films in the context of modern culture. The first chapter is from the external environment, focusing on the characteristics of the modern cultural context, investigate the era context and cultural symptoms behind the adaptation of literary masterpieces, and clarify that the interactive relationship between literature and film is deeply influenced by visual culture and consumer culture. The second chapter discusses the connotation and characteristics of the films adapted from the western famous works in the current cultural context: the film creators adopt the "popular" adaptation strategy in the adaptation of literary masterpieces. The complex theme is simply clarified, the visibility factor in the novel is refined and enlarged, and the subjective will of the planer and the contemporary color are incorporated. Chapter three is a case study, which summarizes the characteristics of the adaptation of the two latest versions of the Western film Jane Eyre and An Na Karenina. Chapter four analyzes the gains and losses of the marriage of literature and film through the deconstruction and construction of literature in the process of adaptation. This paper tries to find out how literature and film can get into a good place together, expound how to get out of the dilemma of stereotyped reproduction of original works, get rid of the quagmire of only pursuing sensual stimulation, and jump out of the pattern of commercial kitsch in order to achieve a win-win situation.
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