本文选题:宫斗剧 + 发展概况 ; 参考:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, as a new drama, Miyagou drama has flooded the whole screen. Since 2004, after Hong Kong TV produced "Golden Branch desire", a large number of TV dramas showing harem struggle have been broadcast one after another. Then on the Chinese television screen set off a "palace fight craze." From 2004 to now, many TV plays about Miyongduo have been created and broadcast constantly, and people's enthusiasm for Miyagou drama is also unprecedented, which makes it have a broad development prospect as a new type of drama. But at the same time, the controversy about the palace play is becoming more and more fierce. In addition to its own development advantages and creative techniques, Gong Dou Opera does have some creative defects. The research on Miyagou drama can give play to the advantages of this new drama, improve it and make it develop in a better direction. In this paper, the reason why the palace play can get a higher ratings, can produce a strong response in the audience, the reason is inseparable from the ups and downs of the plot, suspense, rising high tide, but also inseparable from the art of singing and painting of the palace fighting drama. Although Miyagou drama is popular, but undeniably, it also has certain defects. In order to give play to the advantages, improve the shortcomings, let the palace play towards a better direction. This paper explores the creation of Gong Dou Opera. In this part, the author analyzes the background of the creation of Gong Dou drama, sets the scope of the palace fighting drama, and classifies these palace fighting dramas. The second part of the article analyzes the art creation technique of Gong Dou drama with the greatest space, which is divided into three parts: drama art, phonetic painting art and character modeling. In the aspect of drama, the expression of love and favour, the typical characters in the typical environment, the duality of the characters themselves and the tragic fate of the main characters. In the sound surface art mainly from the picture, the music two aspects carries on the analysis. In the character modelling, from the female modelling and the male modelling two aspects carries on the analysis. The third part of the article mainly discusses the problems existing in Gong Dou Opera. It puts forward the problems of value orientation, homogeneity, historical problems, pandering to the audience and so on. In the future, we should connect the humanistic care with the modern elements, and the cultural inheritance and innovation consciousness should complement each other. Historical resources and film and television art skillfully combined, the audience set out and education in the mutual promotion. Through background survey, analysis of art creation, summary of existing problems, exploration of the development prospects of these four parts, step by step and layer by layer analysis, the art creation research of Gong Dou drama will be displayed. Its purpose is to clarify the creative ideas and methods of the palace fighting drama, to put forward the problems of the palace fighting drama and to put forward specific countermeasures to solve it. In the article, there are not only views and discussions, but also the concrete examples of the various palace fighting dramas. Through the discussion and examples of the point of view of this paper to demonstrate. In order to promote the further development of Palace Dou drama, it can make the creation technique and development prospect of Palace Dou drama clear and base, so that it can not stick to the fixed frame, develop and innovate constantly, and improve the artistic creation quality of Palace Dou Drama. And then to promote the art level of the palace play, to the audience deep-level art enjoyment.
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