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发布时间:2018-06-28 15:57

  本文选题:《中国人要来了》 + 评价理论 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:由Martin等人创建的评价理论是系统功能语言学领域的新发展,用于分析文本的评价意义。评价系统涉及文本的态度类型、资源介入以及情感分级。这种新兴的理论起源于Halliday模式中的人际意义系统,其子系统包括:态度(Attitude),介入(Engagement)和级差(Graduation)。然而现有文献表明,有关评价理论的研究大多以书面语为主,对于影像话语中的评价资源,特别是纪录片话语中的评价资源则较少涉及。 鉴于此,本文试分析BBC出品的纪录片《中国人要来了》的话语中所蕴含的评价资源,旨在帮助人们更好地认识纪录片中的评价功能,进而加深对纪录片中所蕴含的中国国家形象的理解。研究问题围绕三个方面内容:一是态度资源在该纪录片中的比率分布以及态度资源如何构建中国国家形象;二是介入资源在该纪录片中的比率分布以及介入资源如何构建中国国家形象;三是极差资源在该纪录片中的比率分布以及极差资源如何构建中国国家形象。 本研究试运用评价理论分析《中国人要来了》纪录片中的评价资源。研究采用定性和定量结合的方法。定量研究以UAM CorpusTool、Excel为研究工具。研究对象为BBC纪录片《中国人要来了》上下两部。定量研究通过利用UAM CorpusTool对该纪录片中各种评价资源进行分类标注,然后利用UAM CorpusTool呈现各种评价资源的分布情况并借助Excel软件计算出各种评价资源所占的比例进行。 定性研究采用举例的方法,分析各种评价资源如何构建纪录片中的中国国家形象。 本研究在评价理论的框架下,对纪录片中的评价功能进行尝试性的研究,结果表明: 在态度系统中,有大量的鉴赏资源存在于《中国人要来了》,占整个态度资源的59.46%。在鉴赏资源中,反应资源占鉴赏资源的70.85%。在情感资源中,快乐资源占33.98%,处于大多数。而在判断资源中,社会约束占判断总数的71.42%,远高于社会评判。此外,在整个态度资源中,积极的态度多于消极的态度资源;显性资源多于隐形资源,该资源分别占情感资源的94.17%,判断资源的100%和鉴赏资源的94.62%。该纪录片运用很多积极的鉴赏资源来强调非洲美丽的风景、丰富的自然资源以及中国工人艰苦奋斗的精神,既承认中国人优秀的品质又指出中国人对非洲的破坏。处于快速发展时期的中国需要广阔的非洲市场,巨大的经济利益又驱使大批中国人去非洲吸金;但是由于过分注重经济利益和发展,继而人们也会忽视对环境的保护。使用鉴赏资源,该纪录片通过联结观众的意见来构建一致性观点。而积极的资源更容易被观众接受,所以积极的态度资源被广泛使用。显性资源则帮助该纪录片与观众建立牢固的关系并以一个清晰、明确的方式表达态度。 在介入系统中,本研究发现对话性压缩资源占75.31%,多于对话性扩展。具体来说,在对话性压缩中,承认资源占对话性压缩的54.10%,处于大多数。在对话性扩张中,包容资源占对话性扩展的64.29%。介入资源使该纪录片从美国、中国、非洲等多角度呈现出更多的对话性,也使得该纪录片比较客观地构建了一个复杂但全面的中国国家形象。同时该纪录片采用多个收缩资源来抵御不同的声音,以此体现说话者的主张是正当的、有说服力的,且能够使观众信服。 在级差系统中,研究发现占极差资源88.01%的语势资源处于大多数。而在语势资源中,数量资源则以54.73%的比例占大多数。在聚焦资源中,明显资源以50.85%的比例稍稍多于占聚焦资源49.15%的模糊资源。与程度、数量、时间、空间相关的词句往往更容易强调需要表达的意义。因而该纪录片中出现更多的数量和明显资源。这些极差资源既强调了中国的快速发展,也反映了西方发达资本主义国家的担忧。 通过各种评价资源,该片构建了一个复杂、富有争议但真实的中国国家形象。本文从评价理论角度试分析《中国人要来了》中的评价功能,为纪录片的分析研究提供了新的视角,同时拓宽了评价理论研究领域。本研究结果对英语教学具有一定的启示:从教师的角度来看,在利用纪录片的过程中,教师应该选择与教学内容相关的纪录片,并剪辑片段,辅助教学,引导学生从价值观、词汇选择、多文化交际角度鉴赏纪录片。同时,教师应该运用评价理论分析纪录片中的话语,加深学生的分析理解能力,从而促进其英语表达水平、多元文化理解能力和感悟能力的提高;从学生的角度来看,通过观看分析纪录片,学生能够更好地理解、表达中西方文化。学生还应该借助评价理论来分析纪录片中的评价资源,特别是西方媒体拍摄的有关中国的纪录片中的评价资源,继而加强运用英语表达自己民族文化的能力,并进一步帮助自己辨析纪录片言语中体现出来的意识形态和文化的碰撞,并学会阐明自己的观点和立场。
[Abstract]:The evaluation theory created by Martin et al. Is a new development in the field of systemic functional linguistics, which is used to analyze the significance of the evaluation of text. The evaluation system involves the type of text, the intervention of resources and the classification of emotions. This new theory originates from the interpersonal meaning system in the Halliday model, and its subsystems include Attitude, and E Ngagement) and gradation (Graduation). However, the existing literature shows that most of the research on evaluation theory is mainly written in written language. The evaluation resources in the image discourse, especially the evaluation resources in the documentary discourse, are less involved.
In view of this, this article tries to analyze the evaluation resources contained in the BBC documentary < Chinese people's coming > in order to help people better understand the evaluation function in the documentary and deepen the understanding of the Chinese national image contained in the documentary. The research issues around three aspects: first, the attitude resources are in the period of the period. The ratio distribution in the recording and how the attitude resources build the Chinese national image; two is the ratio distribution of the intervening resources in the documentary and how the intervening resources build the Chinese national image; the three is the ratio distribution of the extreme resources in the documentary and how the extreme resources construct the Chinese national image.
This study tries to use the evaluation theory to analyze the evaluation resources in the "Chinese people want" documentary. The study adopts the method of qualitative and quantitative combination. Quantitative research takes UAM CorpusTool, Excel as the research tool. The research object is the BBC documentary < Chinese people are coming > two parts. Quantitative research through the use of UAM CorpusTool in the documentary films The evaluation resources are classified and tagged, and then the distribution of various evaluation resources is presented by using UAM CorpusTool and the proportion of various evaluation resources is calculated with the help of Excel software.
Qualitative research adopts an example method to analyze the various evaluation resources and how to build China's national image in documentaries.
Based on the theory of evaluation, this study makes a tentative study of the evaluation function in documentaries.
In the attitude system, a large number of appreciation resources exist in "Chinese people", and the 59.46%. of the entire attitude resource is in the appreciation resources, and the 70.85%. of reacting resources accounts for the appreciation resources in the emotional resources, and the happy resources account for 33.98%, which is in the majority. In the judgment resources, the social constraints account for 71.42% of the total number of judgments, far higher than the social evaluation. In addition, in the whole attitude resource, the positive attitude is more than the negative attitude resource, the dominant resource is more than the invisible resource, and the resources account for 94.17% of the emotional resources, the 100% of the resources and the 94.62%. of the appreciation resources. The documentary film uses a lot of positive appreciation resources to emphasize the beautiful scenery of Africa, the rich natural resources and the medium. The spirit of the hard struggle of the Chinese workers recognizes both the excellent quality of the Chinese people and the destruction of the Chinese people. China needs a vast African market in the rapid development period, and the great economic interest has driven a large number of Chinese people to absorb gold in Africa; however, due to the excessive emphasis on economic interests and development, people will also ignore the right. Environmental protection. Using appreciation resources, the documentary builds consensus views through the views of the audience. Active resources are more easily accepted by the audience, so active attitude resources are widely used. Dominant resources help the documentary to establish strong relations with the audience and express attitude in a clear and clear way.
In the intervention system, this study found that dialogic compression resources accounted for 75.31%, more than dialogic expansion. Specifically, in the dialogic compression, the recognition resources accounted for 54.10% of the dialogic compression. In the dialogic expansion, the 64.29%. into the dialogic expansion of resources made the documentary from the United States, China, Africa and other corners. The documentary is more dialogical and makes the documentary more objective to build a complex but comprehensive image of the Chinese nation. At the same time, the documentary uses multiple contractive resources to resist different voices, reflecting the speaker's claim to be justified, persuasive and convincing the audience.
In the differential system, the study found that the potential resources, which account for 88.01% of the extreme resources, are in the majority. In the potential resources, the number of resources is 54.73% of the majority. In the focused resource, the obvious resources are slightly more than 50.85% of the fuzzy resources that account for 49.15% of the focused resources. It is easier to emphasize the meaning of the need to express. So there are more numbers and obvious resources in the documentary. These extreme resources not only emphasize the rapid development of China, but also reflect the worries of western developed capitalist countries.
Through a variety of evaluation resources, the film has built a complex, controversial but true Chinese national image. This paper tries to analyze the evaluation function of "Chinese people" from the perspective of evaluation theory, which provides a new perspective for the analysis and research of documentary, and broadens the field of evaluation theory. From the point of view of the teacher, in the process of using the documentary, the teacher should choose the documentary related to the teaching content, edit the clip, assist the teaching, guide the students to appreciate the documentary from the view of value, the choice of vocabulary and the multi cultural communication. At the same time, the teacher should use the theory of evaluation to analyze the discourse in the documentary and deepen the documentary. Students' ability to analyze and understand, thus promoting the level of English expression, the ability to understand the multi culture and the ability to understand; from the point of view of the students, the students can understand and express the western culture better by watching the analysis of the documentary. Students should also use the theory of evaluation to analyze the evaluation resources in the documentary, especially in the West. The evaluation resources of Chinese documentary films are taken by the square media, and then the ability to use English to express their own national culture, and to further help to differentiate and analyze the ideological and cultural collisions embodied in the documentary language, and to learn to clarify their views and standpoints.


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