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发布时间:2018-07-08 10:44

  本文选题:《我们的大学》 + 校园喜剧 ; 参考:《南京大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:电影剧本《我们的大学》讲述一群大四学生毕业前的校园生活。男主人公胡道四年里一事无成,升学无望、就业难办、爱情没有、毕业创作又无从下手,于是他蛊惑自己的室友李奎、方建军、张风逸与他共同拍摄一部微电影作为毕业作品。“写剧本——通过开题——借机器——现场拍摄”成为情节主线,在情节主线里设置各种障碍,让人物一次次在困境中挣扎。同时穿插进李奎、张风逸的爱情故事,方建军的学霸生活,大学生活关键词(如翘课、开房、人流、上课、食堂、学生干部、作弊、AV、占位、入党、政审、奖助学金、行贿老师、暗恋、网游、军训、\L丝、高富帅、绿茶婊)等,这样不仅丰富叙事,形成主次分明的多线结构,也表达了对当今大学教育的批判和反省。 电影剧本《我们的大学》构建了三大帮人物关系: 行动方:胡道(闷骚男)、李奎(黑旋风)、方建军(方博士)、张风逸(胖子)。 反行动方:肖大宝(高富帅)、徐菁菁(绿茶婊)、孙史(孙大炮)、朱老师。 助力方:冯雪(母老虎)、院长。 但这种人物关系太单一,构造的情节就会单薄,也不符合生活逻辑。于是又给反行动方设置了反作用力: 肖大宝(高富帅)——余春梅(余主任),徐菁菁(绿茶婊)——王紫薇(肥脸婆)。 且随着情节的推进,人物关系定要发生变化,亚里士多德要求的“突转”不能仅囿于情节上的,也必须要有人物自身和人物关系上的转变,好的叙事作品往往是写出了人物的转变。所以我让胡道与徐菁苦最终成功牵手,这是感情戏的一种模式:最初男女主角是水火不相容、相互看不惯、死对手,后来慢慢发生变化居然相互恋上了。然后正派力量里必须出现叛徒,于是我让李奎叛变,最终与肖大宝达成统一战线、里应外合地对抗男主角胡道。 当然单一的人物关系里也必须要发生变化,譬如我让王紫薇最终成功追求到张风逸、抱得胖子归,李奎与余春梅恋爱失败、劳燕分飞。 所以剧终时较开始的人物关系已然发生了很大的变化: 正派力量:胡道(闷骚男)、徐菁菁(绿茶婊)、方建军(方博士)、张风逸(胖子)。 反派力量:肖大宝(高富帅)、李奎(黑旋风)、孙史(孙大炮)、朱老师。 中间力量:冯雪(母老虎)、院长。 反派里的反作用力也就消除了:余春梅不但不是肖大宝的对手,反而联手与叛变的李奎一块对付胡道;王紫薇与张风逸成功牵手,不再嫉恨自己的男朋友(张风逸)是徐菁菁的暗恋者。 电影剧本《我们的大学》在情节设置上不同于以往的三种常用模式(1、个行动的编织模式:开端——对抗——结局;2、两个行动或多个行动的编制;3、拼凑法,场与场之间没有可然或必然的联系。)而是将这三种常用的情节模式拆解、重组,排列成一种新的自由组合。穿插的部分与主干情节有互文关系、互动功能、互促作用。采用戏中戏结构,戏里是大学生活关键词、拼凑法,戏外是情节剧、行动型。戏里戏外天衣无缝、互文互补地对接,然后相互推进直抵角色的戏剧性需求。形成了昆汀的剧作模式:多线顺叙+过去式插叙+想象/未来式插叙。 电影剧本《我们的大学》作为一部后现代主义喜剧,自觉运用到了解构、无厘头、夸张、大话、戏谑、狂欢、讽刺、互文、复沓、戏仿、恶搞等创作方法。且“轻逸”(lightness)成为这部作品的精神品质。 《电影剧本我们的大学创作谈》主要从四个方面阐释剧本:一、创作缘由;二、文本分析;三、同类电影总结与比较;四、剧作的后现代主义阐释。详细剖析剧作的人物关系、情节设置、叙事结构和创作方法,认为《我们的大学》是一部带有讽刺批判力度的本土青春校园喜剧,呈现出比较成熟的商业电影风格和鲜明的类型化特征,具有揶揄、反思当今大学教育弊病的进步意义。
[Abstract]:The screenplay "our university" tells a group of college students before graduation. The hero, Hu Dao, has nothing to do in four years. His career is hopeless, the employment is difficult, the love is not, and the graduation works can't be done. So he bewitched his roommate, Li Kui, Fang Jianjun, and Zhang Fengyi, and he co filmed a micro film as graduation work. " The script - the plot line, the plot line, the plot line, the plot line, the plot line, the plot line, the struggle in the plot line, and the struggle in the plight. At the same time, the characters are interspersed with Li Kui, the romantic love story, Fang Jianjun's study hegemony life, the key words of college life (such as the class, the room, the stream, the class, canteen, student cadre, Cheating, AV, occupying, entering the party, the political trial, the scholarship grant, the bribe teacher, the secret love, the Internet tour, the military training, the L silk, the tall rich handsome, the green tea bitch, etc., not only enrich the narrative, form the multi line structure of the primary and secondary, but also express the criticism and introspection to the present university education.
The screenplay "our university" has built three relationships:
Action side: Hu Dao (Men Saonan), Li Kui (Black Whirlwind), Fang Jianjun (Fang), Zhang Fengyi (Pang Zi).
Counteraction side: Xiao Dabao (Gao Fushuai), Xu Jingjing (Lv Chabiao), Sun Shi (Sun Dapao), Miss Zhu.
Assistant: Feng Xue (Tigers), Dean.
But this relationship is too simple, the plot will be thin and inconsistent with the logic of life.
Xiao Dabao (Gao Fushuai) - Yu Chunmei (Yu Jian), Xu Jingjing (green tea bitch) - Wang Ziwei (fat faced woman).
And with the advance of the plot, the relationship between the characters must change. The "sudden change" that Aristotle demands can not be confined only to the plot, but also must have the change in the relationship between the characters themselves and the characters. The good narrative works often write the transformation of the characters. So I let the Hu Dao and Xu Jing bitter eventually succeed in hand in hand, which is one of the emotional drama. Pattern: at first the male and female protagonists were incompatible with water and fire, were unaccustomed to each other, died, and later changed in love with each other. Then there must be a traitor in the right force. So I made Li Kui mutiny and finally reached a united front with Xiao Dabao to fight against the hero.
Of course, there must be a change in a single character relationship, such as I let Wang Ziwei finally succeed to pursue Zhang Fengyi, get fat, Li Kui and Yu Chunmei fall in love and lose.
So the relationship between characters at the end of the drama has changed a lot.
Decent strength: Hu Dao (Men Saonan), Xu Jingjing (green tea bitch), Fang Jianjun (Fang), Zhang Fengyi (fat).
Villain power: Xiao Dabao (Gao Fushuai), Li Kui (Black Whirlwind), Sun Shi (Sun Dapao), Miss Zhu.
Middle force: Feng Xue (Tigers), Dean.
The counterforce in the villain has also been eliminated: Yu Chun Mei is not a rival of Xiao Dabao, but together with the rebel Li Kui to deal with Hu Tao; Wang Ziwei and Zhang have succeeded in holding hands, and no longer hating his boyfriend (Zhang Fengyi) is Xu Jingjing's secret love.
The screenplay < our University > is different from the three common patterns in the plot (1, the knitting pattern of the action: the beginning, the confrontation - the ending; the 2, the two actions or the compiling of multiple actions; 3, the patchwork, the field and the field.) but the three common plot patterns are dismantled and reorganized. It is arranged into a new free combination. The interspersed part has intertextual relations with the main plot, interactive function and mutual promotion. The play is the key play structure in the opera, the play is the key words of the college life, the patchwork, the drama, the action type. The drama is seamless in the opera, intertextuality is complementary to each other, and then the dramatic demand of the direct role is promoted to each other. It has become the mode of Quentin's Plays: multi line narration + past style interlocking + imagination / futuristic narration.
The screenplay < our University > as a post modernist comedy, consciously applied to deconstruction, nonsense, exaggeration, big talk, banter, carnival, irony, intertextuality, reiteration, parody, KUSO and other creative methods. And "lightness" became the spiritual quality of this work.
< screenplay our university creation talk > mainly from four aspects of interpretation of the script: first, the cause of creation; two, text analysis; three, the same kind of film summary and comparison; four, the postmodernism interpretation of the play. Detailed analysis of the characters, plot, narrative structure and creative methods, "our University > is a satire." The critique of the local youth campus comedy shows a more mature commercial film style and distinctive typological features, and is teasing and rethinks the progressive significance of the current college education maladies.


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3 雷明;;我演郭中姚[A];新世纪电影表演论坛(下)——第八届“电影表演艺术学会奖”文集[C];2001年

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8 樊星;;《史记》与当代文学[A];中国当代文学研究·2004年秋冬卷[C];2004年

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