发布时间:2018-07-12 12:04
本文选题:影视 + 影视小说 ; 参考:《东华理工大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:“影视小说”是影视剧要素向小说文体渗透的新型文学样式。上世纪90年代初,随着电视剧《渴望》的走红,中国市场上便开始出现由电视剧改写的印有彩色剧照的小说版本。如今,书店都在显眼位置设有“影视小说”专柜,表明它已是文学畅销书的一种类型。影视小说大致分为两类,一类以影视剧本为本位,主要依附于相应的影视剧播放而存在,一般视为影视附属品的作品;另一类强调以小说为本位,,在追求影视与小说互动效应的基础上也不放弃独立的小说阅读价值,是具有较强可读性的作品。受影像化、信息化、市场化大潮的影响,这种从影视到影视小说的话语跨越已经成为当代一种引人注目的文化现象,并引起各界广泛争论。 与其他文艺现象一样,“影视小说”的兴起势必也有其独特的话语建构方式和文化属性。当下,因其与影视艺术的互涉共生性,往往又造成影视小说商品属性的凸显和艺术属性的遮蔽。考察当下影视小说的话语转换方式和文化现象,必须深入其特定的社会文化语境。本文从影视小说的兴盛概况入手,从话语角度切入,对影视小说的内涵特征、生存空间、转换机制、发展态势、商业性质、文化现象等方面进行具体分析论证。探讨影视小说话语转换的美学追求、产业价值以及与此相关联的社会文化现象的多元化表征和精神内涵。有理由相信,随着社会文明程度的不断提高,影视小说创作者文学审美意识和创作水平的逐步提升,以及读者审美情趣与审美标准的不断优化,影视到影视小说的话语跨越将更加自然理性,影视小说这种新文本样式的发展将更加蓬勃健康。
[Abstract]:Film and TV Fiction is a new style of literature that the elements of film and TV drama permeate into the style of novel. In the early 1990s, with the popularity of the TV series desire, the Chinese market began to be rewritten by TV dramas with color stills of the novel version. Bookstores now have "film and television novels" counters in prominent locations, indicating that they are already a type of best seller of literature. Film and television novels are roughly divided into two categories: one is based on the film and television script, which mainly depends on the corresponding film and television play, and is generally regarded as an accessory to the film and television; the other emphasizes the fiction as the standard. On the basis of pursuing the interactive effect of film, television and novel, we do not give up the independent reading value of novel, and it is a work with strong readability. Influenced by the tide of image, information and marketization, this kind of discourse leaping from film and television to film and television novels has become a noticeable cultural phenomenon in contemporary times, and has caused extensive controversy from all walks of life. Like other literary and artistic phenomena, the rise of film and television novels is bound to have its unique discourse construction and cultural attributes. At present, because of its symbiosis with film and television art, it often leads to the highlight of the commercial attributes of film and television novels and the sheltering of the artistic attributes. In order to investigate the mode of discourse transformation and cultural phenomena in current film and television novels, we must go deep into its specific social and cultural context. From the perspective of discourse, this paper analyzes and demonstrates the connotation, living space, transformation mechanism, development trend, commercial nature and cultural phenomena of film and television novels. This paper probes into the aesthetic pursuit of the discourse transformation of film and television novels, the industrial value and the pluralistic manifestations and spiritual connotations of the social and cultural phenomena associated with it. There is reason to believe that with the continuous improvement of social civilization, the literary aesthetic consciousness and creation level of film and television novel creators have been gradually improved, and the readers' aesthetic tastes and aesthetic standards have been continuously optimized. The discourse leapfrogging from film to television novels will be more natural and rational, and the development of the new text style of film and television novels will be more vigorous and healthy.
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