[Abstract]:The title of this thesis is "on the artistic symbol representation of MiyazakiHayao" Man and Nature "theme animation film. The worship of MiyazakiHayao and the love of his works are the basis of my writing this article. When he was in college, he was fascinated by Hal's moving Castle. Since then, he has paid attention to MiyazakiHayao's animated movies, from the Valley of the Wind, the House of Warcraft to the Golden Fish on the Cliff, and so on. His animation film from ecologism, humanism and even feminism have all carefully outlined the author's inner world, so the audience outside the screen will be moved by the story plot and the brave and kind animation characters in the film. In the world of symbols, many things are like a code. The commonness and individuality of symbols strike the consciousness in people's brains, and when people see them, they can think of different faces in the world. Artistic symbol is the carrier of information, carrying the dual task of intension and extension of things and putting it into effect. It is an indispensable element of information expression and emotion transmission. Through the study of MiyazakiHayao animation works, the important role of artistic symbols in the animation films of human and natural themes is further explored. Therefore, his audiovisual language, characters and so on are given symbolization meaning. In other words, MiyazakiHayao's animation works are a kind of symbol, which is also a symbol. MiyazakiHayao explains his love for animated movies with his unique symbolic form. He integrates his strong feelings in his works. It is this "emotion" that constantly enlightens and educates contemporary teenagers. For example, the animated film on the theme of environmental protection, in his many symbols, expounds the relationship between man and nature, strongly expresses the desire to protect nature, and takes a deep root in the hearts of young people; at the same time, For adults, there is no doubt that it is also a spiritual baptism. People living in nature can not do without the grace and constraints of nature, human beings in nature continue to demand natural resources, life is getting better and better, but this is under the premise of harmony between man and nature. As the MiyazakiHayao animated film puts it, signifier and signifier emerge in people's real life, there is harmony and development, if the disrespect for nature is probably only human disaster.
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