[Abstract]:At present, the research of documentary often starts from the term "TV documentary". Like film art, TV art, with its own technical characteristics and "moving sound and image" as the media essence, provides people with unique aesthetic enjoyment and produces different aesthetic value judgment standards. Like the history of human civilization recorded in writing, it also bears the responsibility of cultural carrier. As a kind of film and TV program, documentary film has an important connotation of humanistic spirit. Summing up and analyzing the long-term research, we can see that one kind of research on documentary is to blur the documentary with the TV documentary, the other is to blur the documentary TV programs such as documentary and interview. It is only to focus solely on the relationship between documentary creation and technical media, or simply to analyze the cultural connotations of documentaries. Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, Documentary as a bearing of high cultural value of the art form has encountered the impact of the market economy, documentary development has been hampered by the reasons? The article begins with these problems: firstly, the concept of documentary itself is not clearly defined, but with the United States documentary industrialization operation as an example. Combined with the background of the times, the author makes a summative tracing of the documentary creation activities; next, it makes a type analysis of the documentary creation activities in our country, instead of simply summarizing the traditional documentary creation mode. After a comprehensive understanding of the development of Chinese and foreign documentaries, this paper sums up the internal differences and relations between documentaries and television documentaries according to the thought of artistic media determinism, and finally analyzes the background of the entertainment era. The "alienation" of technology and the "fragmentation" of the fast-food cultural consumption in the reading era have brought about the impact on the documentary film as a "time image". Only on the basis of correctly distinguishing the essential characteristics of image art can the documentary film be reasonably summarized and discussed, so that the artistic theory can better guide the artistic practice creation and bring into play the real cultural value in the field of public culture.
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