[Abstract]:Split lens design is an emerging subject because of its wide range and inclusiveness in animation production, attracting more and more animation designers to devote themselves to interface design. In this situation, more and more kinds and quantities of animated works are emerging, including some experimental and conceptual works. At present, some researches are still focused on the technology of animation sub-lens drawing, and there are still some deficiencies in the theoretical investigation and experimental exploration of the art level of animation sub-mirror design and the combination of practice. In view of this, this paper describes the animation category. Characteristics, development and evolution since the birth of animation, and from the application of the category, combined with excellent animation examples, multi-level, multi-angle analysis and exploration of animation lens. The full text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an overview of animation. This chapter analyzes the classification of animation, according to the specific classification of different sub-lens design requirements are different. The second chapter is the design principle of animation split mirror. In this chapter, the interior and exterior structure of the lens are analyzed in detail, the composition of the lens and the elements of the lens are analyzed, and the design principle of the lens is explained. The third chapter is the group connection of the animation shot picture. In this chapter, the combination between the lens and the lens, the subtle relationship between the lens under different circumstances, and the application in the film are discussed in detail. The fourth chapter is the concept and application of montage. In this chapter, the concept, sentence structure, grammar and composition of montage are expounded. And montage has a great effect on the film makers to form their own style. The fifth chapter analyzes the mode of rotation. It is very important to link up the paragraphs of the animation works skillfully, and how to make the film turn smoothly is an indispensable important link of the animation works. This chapter gives a detailed account of the problem.
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