[Abstract]:Post-apocalyptic movies began to emerge in the 1950s and gradually developed into mature and distinctive Hollywood genres. Post-apocalyptic movies are a sub-genre of science fiction movies about the end of civilization. The setting of the story is after the end of the world. Survival and redemption are the main themes of post-apocalyptic movies. It is closely related to religion and culture, the crisis of the times, consumerism and the survival movement. It expresses the American pioneering myth and desert culture through the text and reveals the cultural imprint under the crisis of the times. In the period of rapid development, the causes of the end of the film also change with the development of the times. This paper selects Hollywood post-apocalyptic films since the 1990s, and makes a systematic study of them for the first time by using the method of type research. This paper is divided into four chapters: The first chapter defines the concept of post-apocalyptic films, and analyzes its generation context and development. The second chapter studies the type narrative of post-apocalyptic movies, and analyzes its type characteristics from four aspects: narrative structure, spatial presentation, theme expression and character image; the third chapter studies the image style of post-apocalyptic movies, and points out that the ruins aesthetics is its main aesthetic style, in which the punk model under the ruins is its typical feature; the fourth chapter studies the image style of post-apocalyptic movies. This chapter discusses the cultural values and Inspirations of post Apocalypse films.
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