[Abstract]:This paper takes the works of director Xu Anhua as the object of study, uses the methods of author theory, sociology and cultural research to study and analyze them deeply, and tries to extract the profound consciousness of social problems in Xu Anhua's works. It is hoped that the social cognitive value of his films will benefit the creation and development of Chinese-language films. Director Hui Anhua's works have a distinctive brand of the times, reflecting the complex changes of Hong Kong people's living conditions in the contemporary Hong Kong social context, and reflecting the director's keen observation and reflection on Hong Kong's social problems. First of all, from the social context of the era in which Xu Anhua movies live, to investigate the theme connotation of social problem consciousness in the works of different periods; secondly, from the analysis of the image language and narrative style of Xu Anhua films, This paper probes into the artistic presentation of social problem consciousness in Xu Anhua's works, so as to reveal the unique charm of his works, which not only emphasizes the artistic quality but also takes into account the connotation of the times. Thirdly, it begins with the social problems existing in Xu Anhua's films. Finally, from the perspective of urban culture and humanitarianism, the author thinks deeply about the sociological cognitive value of Xu Anhua's films. In front of the consciousness of social problems in Xu Anhua's works in different periods, we see the effect of video on the historical process, which reflects the director's position on social problems, and also shows the director's judgment consciousness of social history. Through the analysis and research on the theme of social problem consciousness, the image expression and the social cognitive value in Xu Anhua's films, this paper tries to expand a new aesthetic path for the film creation of the realistic theme of Chinese film.
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7 顾t,