[Abstract]:"Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf" has been loved by the masses since its inception. At the same time, it has also become the object of many disciplines. This paper studies the form and content of film and television animation from the perspective of folklore. Find out the law of film and television animation creation, provide reference for film and television creation. This animated film with national characteristics combines traditional and modern culture, and makes domestic animation full of vitality. "Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf" is drawn from folk stories. This article analyzes the content and form of folk stories from this animated film. This paper probes into the function of folk story to animation, and then analyzes the folk culture and folk belief contained in the animation step by step. This article can be divided into three parts: introduction, subject and conclusion. The first part of the introduction, including the purpose and significance of research, research review, research object, research methods. The second part is the main body, the main part is composed of four aspects. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the connotation and types of folk stories, analyzes the types of folk stories used for reference by "Happy Goat and Grey Wolf", and through the type of characters, Story, explore the innocence and fantasy, for future animation to provide reference. Secondly, the author shows the folk life in Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf, including the Chinese zodiac culture, the festival of the year, and folk games. Folk stories are rich in content and popular, because they come from life and are closely related to people's life. Again, this article presents the folk beliefs in "Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf", mainly about the worship of nature, totem worship, folk life must have their own worship and belief, these beliefs are an indispensable part of the culture. With the development of society, it has a different degree of influence on people's thinking and ways of doing things. The third part of the conclusion, mainly summarizes the study of this paper, pointed out that the "Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf" as the emergence of the original domestic animation, fully show the characteristics of the nation, combining tradition with reality. It provides a reference for the production of domestic animation, points out the direction of the development of domestic animation, and causes the author to think about the creation of film and television animation.
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