[Abstract]:Animation MV, a type of MV, has been seen for a long time. It conveys more artistic expressiveness, which is more creative and more appropriate to express the personal thoughts and emotions of the creators than the real people. The purpose of this subject is to make use of the creativity of animation as an art form, at the same time to give play to the subjective initiative of the author, and to sum up a set of experience and theory of experimental animation short film through practice. The starting point of this subject comes from a lyric song "my past story", the song itself brings the film and television MV to shoot very aesthetically and vividly, as an animation major student, had the idea of creating an animated MV. First of all, the author inquired a lot about the expression of MV and found that the combination of animation and MV is no longer a new thing. Animation, as an artistic form, has become a song in MV and become an accessory to the plot. This is decided by the commercial purpose of MV, and the author wants to make a pure animated art short film, which aims to express the emotion of music through visual picture with the help of hot abstract art. Art itself is the spiritual product of human beings, and naturally serves the emotional expression of human beings. The author consulted the art history at home and abroad and fixed his attention on the hot abstract art which has the same work as music. In his theoretical works, the representative of hot abstract art, Kandinsky, has repeatedly mentioned that the relationship between music and painting is inextricably, inextricably and closely related, and his whole life has been constantly putting into practice the relationship between music and painting. The author has carefully read and analyzed Kandinsky's painting theory, has been greatly inspired, has also carried on many practical attempts from the hot abstract art point, the line, the surface, the color four major elements. Animation is a dynamic form of visual expression. Kandinsky introduces hot abstract art into the world, and experimental animation master McClaren presents dynamic abstract art to the audience through experimental animation. I carefully read the works of many artists and learn their creative experience, harvest a lot. By analyzing the manifestation and development trend of music MV, this paper draws out the experimental creation process of MV which infused with hot abstract art. The author draws on the experience of predecessors in the experimental creation of dynamic hot abstract art short films, including points, lines, surfaces, colors and materials, techniques, etc. Music combines to create successive frames of organic connection. Unlike other hot abstract animations, it is designed and produced on the basis of a complete song that has already been completed. Unlike other animated clips that use background music as an aid, the core of it is this song, and the hot abstraction is used to express the emotional form of the song, so in my past Story, The key to the combination of hot abstraction and music is the consistency of rhythm and emotion.
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