[Abstract]:From 1840 to now, photography technology has been introduced into China, the image has developed from a rare toy to every corner of our life now. The innovation and fusion technology of thinking has brought this new image era. Some people immerse themselves in the enjoyment of watching images, others concentrate on studying new image models and high-end technologies, and some people concentrate on the creation of film content, as if a well-ordered social division of image exists in our lives. However, the social existence contained in the image is much more than this. When the image has become a new tool of communication between people unconsciously, all people begin to pay attention to and think about the image. How to learn the image language, how to use the image to communicate, how to coexist and develop the individual and the image are the problems that people have to face. In fact, the individual group is not only the passive acceptor of the image society, but also the active producer, they are not the static audience who are indoctrinated, but the free image subject force. They not only seek pleasure and meaning in image consumption, but also participate in the production of images, express and think about themselves, and become indispensable participants, creators and communicators in the image world. So, in this image-dominated era, to the individual, what is the close relationship between the individual and the image, as an individual how to survive in this relationship, this is the most wanted to explore and study in this paper. This paper studies the relationship between individual and image from three angles: individual viewing image, individual participating in image, and individual creating image. First of all, the personal viewing of the image is the first experience of the relationship between the individual and the image. It is also the most common and easiest experience. How does the individual form his own sense of social existence by watching the image, and when he passively receives the image information, We should also let images be used for themselves and for their own needs. We should not blindly indulge in and enjoy the pleasure and enjoyment brought by the experience of watching the images. We should use individual thinking to analyze our own Noumenon needs, and use perceptual images to perfect our logical consciousness of image. That's the key we need to recognize. Secondly, the personal participation in the image is the second contact between the individual and the image. The development of technology has brought the interactive image. The art of the interactive image, which takes "personal experience" as the starting point, gives us the "existence" experience of our generation. The virtual world and the real personal experience make the image world even brighter, and these interactive video products themselves carry the ideology of the creator, that is, the image is just a medium. Its essence is to complete the interaction between participants and creators, that is, the interaction between people and people. Finally, the individual creates the image, is the individual and the image relations final level game, how to create the personal image the text, has the important significance to the image development, all forms are the gorgeous cloak, Only the life of blood and flesh is the soul. Therefore, only if the content of the image is well created, can the image move towards a healthy and sustainable development.
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