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发布时间:2018-11-14 13:29
[Abstract]:The sub-cultural position exists in all cultural practice activities. As a kind of film subculture, the evil classic film appeared at the earliest stage of the film invention. After nearly a hundred years of development, it broke out in the late 1960s to the early 1980s. Since the 1990s, the subculture has been transitioning to the post subculture. The youth subculture is gradually brought into the post-modern pop culture style supermarket, and the film industry also moves towards globalization and multi-media. The circulation of global capital, the rise of consumerism and new media technology have a profound impact on the film. The relationship between film and daily life, between film text and audience, is fundamentally changed, which leads to the blurring of the boundary between mainstream and non-mainstream. In this context, the evil film not only did not disappear, but permeated the whole cultural industry. " The independence and intertextuality of the texts, the cross-media characteristics of production and dissemination, the active participation and collective wisdom of the audience, and the grass-roots culture generated by the fans have become the conventional means of the mainstream film industry.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院文学研究所;


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