[Abstract]:The animated film "Ya Ye Zhi Ting" revolves around the emotional process between Xuebaixiang, an ancient Chinese teacher who was forced to leave because of rumors, and Akiyue Hsiao-hsiung, a high school student who still works tirelessly to become a shoemaker. The film continues the "sad love theme" that Xin Haicheng is very keen on. With the loneliness, fear and struggle of the protagonists and heroines as they grow up, they reveal their cognition and reflection about themselves. The movie's plot is easy and simple, and the painting style is exquisite and realistic. The light color is soft and fresh, the poetic narration style is even more set off the artistic aesthetic feeling of the film "the word has all but the meaning is infinite", has displayed the director Xin Haicheng's increasingly mature movie audio-visual language to control the ability and the unique artistic style.
【作者单位】: 天津职业技术师范大学艺术学院;
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