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发布时间:2018-12-30 20:39
【摘要】:中国动画作为世界动画的重要组成部分,被世界动画界誉为“中国学派”。剪纸动画与水墨动画被誉为“中国学派”的“一俗一雅”,在中国动画历史长河中有着不可取代的地位。剪纸动画因自身具有独特的中国文化气质,所以有着很高的艺术价值与社会价值。新世纪以来,世界各国对动画产业所带来的文化和经济效益越来越关注和重视,随着数字媒体技术的到来,利用数字媒体技术对民族动画进行不断的“更新”和“升级”,使剪纸动画成为民族动画新的发展方向,正在成为数字媒体技术一个新的应用领域和发展重点。对于剪纸动画的发展,我们不仅需要发展和继承,还需要利用新的技术手段和方法加以改进与提高,赋予剪纸动画新的生机,使剪纸动画成为我国动画发展的新方向。 本文通过分析数字剪纸动画制作方法,对数字环境下剪纸动画的美学特征及新的数字技术在剪纸动画中的应用做了相应的探讨与研究。在理论方面对为什么要对剪纸动画数字化,以及数字化带给剪纸动画的技术与艺术优势进行了探讨与研究。在实践方面利用数字媒体技术结合山西、陕西为主的“北方派”剪纸,制作了数字剪纸动画《门神》。通过对剪纸动画的数字化实践,提出以Anime Studio Pro及3D MAX软件为主要制作平台的数字化制作流程体系,并在流程当中运用Adobe Photoshop、After Effect、EDIUS软件来配合制作具有传统韵味的剪纸动画影片,最后依靠移动终端和网络技术进行传播的整体制作及传播方案。文章还研究利用民艺学家陈山桥的剪纸三类型的划分观点,将传承型剪纸结合运用数字采集技术和Adobe Photoshop来进行剪纸动画造型设计。最终将数字技术的优势结合到剪纸动画中,建立一套完整的数字剪纸动画生产体系。
[Abstract]:As an important part of world animation, Chinese animation is praised as "Chinese school" by the world animation circles. Paper-cut animation and ink-cut animation are regarded as "a vulgar and elegant" of the Chinese school of thought, which plays an irreplaceable role in the history of Chinese animation. Because of its unique Chinese cultural temperament, paper-cut animation has high artistic and social value. Since the new century, countries in the world have paid more and more attention to the culture and economic benefits brought by the animation industry. With the advent of digital media technology, the digital media technology has been used to constantly "update" and "upgrade" the national animation. Making paper cutting animation a new developing direction of national animation is becoming a new application field and development focus of digital media technology. For the development of paper-cut animation, we not only need to develop and inherit, but also need to use new technical means and methods to improve and improve, endow paper-cut animation with new vitality, make paper-cut animation become a new direction of animation development in China. By analyzing the method of making digital paper-cut animation, this paper discusses the aesthetic characteristics of paper-cut animation in digital environment and the application of new digital technology in paper-cut animation. In the aspect of theory, this paper probes into why the paper-cut animation should be digitized, and the technical and artistic advantages brought by digitization to paper-cut animation. In practice, using digital media technology combined with Shanxi, Shaanxi "Northern School" paper-cut, the production of digital paper-cut animation. Through the digitization practice of paper-cut animation, this paper puts forward a digital production flow system based on Anime Studio Pro and 3D MAX software as the main production platform, and uses Adobe Photoshop,After Effect, in the process. EDIUS software is used to produce traditional paper-cut animation film. Finally, it relies on mobile terminal and network technology to make and spread the whole project. The paper also studies how to use the viewpoint of Chen Shanqiao, a folk artist, to divide paper-cut into three types. The paper combines the traditional paper-cut with digital acquisition technology and Adobe Photoshop to design paper-cut animation. Finally, the advantages of digital technology are combined into paper-cut animation, and a complete production system of digital paper-cut animation is established.


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