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发布时间:2019-01-03 08:47
【摘要】:动画是一种视觉活动的影像,更是一种充满想象力的艺术形式。中国民间美术中有许多值得去挖掘的地方,以这其中的造型、色彩、风格等,融合入动画角色造型设计去做出独一无二的动画角色,另一方面,通过动画的放映,及其周边衍生品的开发,还可以很好的宣传及发展中国民间美术。创作鲜明民族和地域特色角色造型设计更加具有重要的现实意义。 本论文的研究方向,通过研究动画角色造型设计的方法,及技巧,探讨如何做动画角色造型设计。结合民间美术元素和动画角色造型设计,来探讨两者的关系,互相的影响。以有较强造型性的几类民间美术元素,来探讨他们在动画角色造型设计上的应用。总体概括民间元素,从型与色上探讨他们在动画角色造型设计上的应用,变化。从三种途径上来探讨民间美术元素在动画角色造型设计上的实现。探索新的时代下,新的要求下,民间美术元素和角色造型设计如何更好的结合和发展。 本论文研究内容,首先阐述了课题的背景,和国内外调研情况,并确立了研究方法。下面又从动画角色造型设计的重要性和作用谈起,然后分析了动画片中动画角色造型设计中民间美术的应用,最后结合国内外动画角色造型设计,探讨了如何与中国文化中的民间美术做更好结合及创新。通过一系列的探索研究,最终为中国角色造型设计中的民间美术元素研究,得出了基于民间美术为基础的角色造型探索创新方案,,第一种是技法的创新,第二种是借鉴上的创新,第三种是表达形式的探索,第四种是媒介等问题导致的角色造型设计的种种变化。
[Abstract]:Animation is a visual activity of the image, but also a form of art full of imagination. There are many places in Chinese folk art that are worth digging into. With the modeling, color, style and so on, they are integrated into the animation character modeling design to make a unique animated character. On the other hand, through the animation projection, The development of derivatives and its surrounding, but also a good publicity and development of Chinese folk art. Creation of distinctive national and regional characteristics of the role modeling design has more important practical significance. The research direction of this paper, through studying the method and skill of animation character modeling design, discusses how to do animation character modeling design. Combined with folk art elements and animation character modeling design, to explore the relationship between the two, the impact of each other. This paper discusses the application of several kinds of folk art elements in animation character modeling design. The general summary of folk elements, from the shape and color of their animation character modeling design applications, changes. This paper discusses the realization of folk art elements in animation character modeling design from three ways. Under the new times and new requirements, how to combine and develop folk art elements and character modeling design better. In this paper, the background of the research, and domestic and foreign research situation, and established the research method. Next, the importance and function of animation character modeling design are discussed, and then the application of folk art in animation character modeling design is analyzed. Finally, combining the domestic and foreign animation character modeling design, This paper discusses how to better combine and innovate with folk art in Chinese culture. Through a series of exploration and research, finally for the study of folk art elements in the Chinese character modeling design, the innovative scheme of role modeling exploration based on folk art is obtained. The first is the innovation of techniques. The second is the innovation of reference, the third is the exploration of expression form, and the fourth is the variety of character modeling design caused by media problems.


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