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发布时间:2019-01-05 13:14
【摘要】:今敏(Satoshi kon)是一位优秀的日本动画导演,在他从业的十七年中却只留下了四部动画电影、一部剧集动画和一部一分钟的实验动画,他以解析梦境与现实的关系的主题、“意识流”化的表现手法而著称。论文从今敏的生平简历和社会环境对他创作的影响入手,结合后现代主义艺术理论,运用量化分析、归纳总结、对比例证等方法,分析今敏动画电影中的叙事方法、镜头节奏和剪辑特色,对今敏动画镜头语言的艺术特征做全面的梳理,主要从动画镜头语言的“静态构成”和“动态构成”两方面进行研究。 论文共分为四章。 第一章为绪论,主要介绍有关今敏的国内外研究状况、本论文的研究目的和意义以及论文的主要研究内容,课题相关概念的陈述。课题研究方法中的“镜头节奏量化分析法”属本文原创,也是创新点之一。 第二章探讨今敏动画风格形成的原因,一方面,介绍今敏的生平和他的创作经历,根据今敏的成长经历分析其风格形成的的主观原因。另一方面,从日本古代自然审美的形成,和当代日本动画影坛创作路线的角度,来研究今敏艺术风格形成的客观原因。 第三章从镜头语言的“静态构成”角度分析今敏动画电影的风格特点,分别从构图、色彩和光线三部分,来探讨镜头语言“静态构成”元素对动画叙事和情感表达的影响。 第四章从镜头语言的“动态构成”角度分析今敏动画电影的风格特点,,分别从景别、角度、运动、蒙太奇语言和镜头节奏五部分,来探讨镜头语言“动态构成”元素对动画叙事和情感表达的影响。 最后的结语与展望,阐述了论文研究所得结论:今敏的动画电影具有显著的后现代主义特征,他在高雅与通俗、精英与大众、传统与流行之间找到了微妙的平衡,他将后现代艺术创作思想引入至动画创作中,在叙事上打破“元叙事”的时空结构,并赋予动画镜头语言更深层次的思想内涵。论文研究所用的“镜头节奏变化趋势图”量化研究方法,是具有实用性和可行性的全新研究方法,为今后动画电影镜头语言的研究语言提供了新的研究方法和标准。
[Abstract]:(Satoshi kon), an excellent Japanese animation director, has left behind only four animated films, a drama animation and a one-minute experimental animation in his 17 years in the field, to analyze the theme of the relationship between dreams and reality. The expression of "stream of consciousness" is famous. This paper begins with the influence of Jin Min's life history and social environment on his creation, combining with post-modernism art theory, using quantitative analysis, induction and summary, contrast examples and other methods to analyze the narration methods in Jin Min's animated films. This paper makes a comprehensive combing of the artistic features of the animation lens language from the two aspects of "static composition" and "dynamic composition" of the animation lens language. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the domestic and foreign research situation, the purpose and significance of this paper, the main research contents and the related concepts of the subject. The quantitative analysis of lens rhythm in the research method of this paper is original and one of the innovative points. The second chapter discusses the reasons for the formation of the animation style. On the one hand, it introduces his life and his creative experience, and analyzes the subjective reasons for the formation of his style according to his growing experience. On the other hand, from the perspective of the formation of Japanese ancient natural aesthetics and the creative route of contemporary Japanese animation film, the objective reasons for the formation of modern Japanese animation art style are studied. In the third chapter, from the angle of "static composition" of lens language, we analyze the style characteristics of modern animated film, and discuss the influence of "static constitution" element of lens language on animation narration and emotional expression from three parts of composition, color and light, respectively. Chapter four analyzes the stylistic features of this animated film from the angle of "dynamic composition" of lens language, which is divided into five parts: scene, angle, movement, montage language and lens rhythm. To explore the impact of lens language "dynamic composition" elements on animation narrative and emotional expression. Finally, the conclusion of the paper is expounded: the animated film of Jin Min has the characteristic of postmodernism, and he has found a delicate balance between elegance and popular, between elite and popular, between tradition and popularity. He introduced the postmodern artistic creation thought into the animation creation, broke the space and time structure of the "meta-narrative" in the narration, and endowed the animation lens language with the deeper ideological connotation. The quantitative research method of "shot Rhythm change trend Map", which is used in the thesis, is a new research method with practicability and feasibility, which provides a new research method and standard for the research language of animation film lens language in the future.


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