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发布时间:2019-01-06 09:04
[Abstract]:Ichiro Kozin is the most Japanese-style film director. Many of the films he directed throughout his life, especially the family ethics films with the theme of "married Girl", all have a strong personal directing style. Deeply influenced by Japanese traditional culture, he incorporated his philosophy of life into his film creation, especially in his later works. In his life of film creation, from Chaplin and Liu Bi-qian 's comedy imitation to Chaplin in the golden age of Hollywood in the United States, he gradually found out the "Xiaojin" shooting technique and the directing style represented by low-angle, fixed and cross-axis shots. In 1949, the film "late Spring" was selected as the top ten best films of the year by the Japanese Movie newspaper, and its personal style has also matured, and it has become the most representative and representative director of Japan's real social features because of its high reputation in the world film world. The study of Ozu in the world has focused on the consciousness of "object mourning" and the aesthetics of "seclusion". This paper, from the perspective of Japanese Zen, focuses on the late movie works of Anjiro Kozin from 1949 to 1962, from the perspective of film screenwriter. In the aspects of white design and emotional connotation, combined with the meaning and connotation of Japanese Zen Buddhism and Japanese Zen culture, this paper makes an analysis and exposition of its films.


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