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发布时间:2019-01-07 11:09
[Abstract]:As far as Thailand is concerned, there are only the impressions of "winter and yin", "elephant", "ghost film" and "movie" in the minds of the Chinese people, but it should be said that in the past few years, apart from good food, In addition to artistic culture and traditional performances, Thai TV series has become a popular Thai culture in China. In recent years, Thai TV dramas have been introduced in front of Chinese screens, and have been enthusiastically sought after, which has set off a new craze of TV dramas-"Thai style". The rise of Thai opera in China is a phenomenon of cultural leapfrogging. Thai TV dramas are exquisite and full of exotic customs, the pictures are warm, romantic, full of fantasy, and meet the aesthetic needs of young people today. The audience has indeed felt the charm of Thai TV dramas among them. Many TV dramas in Thailand have been loved and praised by Chinese audiences, and even Thai stars are highly regarded. This paper focuses on the source, factors, development process, influence and trend of Thai TV series spread in China, mainly on empirical research and speculative research, including literature analysis, comparative research and other research methods. This paper is divided into three parts. In the introduction part, with the background of "Thai Opera upsurge", its content mainly introduces the summary of the interactive communication between China and Thailand in the field of film and TV drama, including the purpose, significance and research method of this paper. The text is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, the author makes a comprehensive analysis on the media development environment of the Thai film and television industry how to facilitate the dissemination of Thai TV dramas in China. The second chapter expounds the background of Thai TV series entering Chinese TV series market and analyzes the effect of communication. The third chapter is the focus of this paper, detailed analysis of Thai TV series in China, the factors of successful dissemination, the specific analysis of the charm of Thai TV dramas, including showing the current situation of overseas TV dramas in the Chinese market. Chapter four summarizes the influence of Thai TV dramas in China. The last part is the conclusion, which reviews and summarizes the whole frame of the thesis, points out the problems found in the course of the research, and puts forward some suggestions on the development trend of Thai TV dramas in China. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the dissemination of Thai TV dramas in China, not only for the friendly relations between China and Thailand, but also for the international development of Chinese TV dramas.


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