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发布时间:2019-01-08 16:14
【摘要】:奇观性作为电影直观的特征,体现了电影艺术最外在的表达。打造视觉奇观是导演在数字技术的帮助下营造出观者可以直接感知视觉图像所释放的强大吸引力或刺激效果的过程。作为意象实物逼真传达真实感的艺术外在表达,为增强科幻电影的艺术张力和受众接受虚拟美感起到了非常重要的作用。而科幻电影是视觉奇观极具代表性的艺术载体,从电影诞生开始就结下了不解之缘。著名电影理论家约翰·巴克斯特曾评价说:“无论科幻电影的社会重要性如何,科幻电影仍是一种激起美感的基本手段,它是原子能时代的诗,是使我们意识到自己现在是何物和未来将会成为何物的警句。”虽然数字技术引领了20世纪70年代以后的科幻电影浪潮,成为科幻电影制作必不可少的环节。但是,科幻电影在繁荣锦绣的表象下暗流涌动,甚至有人认为,单凭幻想和虚构成功的科幻电影,不过是小孩子的把戏。尽管科幻电影受到了来自文艺各界的质疑和指摘,但是他已经不可争辩地成为活跃在票房市场的主要类型电影。并且越来越受到人们的追捧和期许。 本文试图以“视觉奇观”作为理论切入点,从电影的奇观性出发,找寻科幻电影的问题与症结。开篇对科幻电影和视觉奇观做了理论上的概述,并且以史为镜,从科幻电影的发展史中寻找视觉奇观的足迹。接下来,就视觉奇观在科幻电影当中的呈现方式做了梳理。然后,阐述出好莱坞科幻电影在新世纪表现出来的深度消解和体验异化等问题,为全文立论,最后结合科幻电影的表面问题现象深入挖掘本质原因——“形”与“意”的辩证关系失衡,并提出了突围路径与方法。在最后的结论里,参照新的科幻电影形态研究思路,为中国科幻电影在未来的发展提出了自己的看法。科幻电影应该看到文中所提到的现阶段的问题和缺陷,使其在未来能够以全新的姿态屹立于电影市场之中。 而且,为了对科幻电影有更透彻的认识,有利于掌握创作的方向,必须厘清视觉奇观对于科幻电影的使命和整合效应,得出科学普遍的理论依据。以后的中国科幻电影制作在条件允许的情况下,努力提高影片质量和美学效果,提出有建设性的指导和理论上的补充说明。 本文运用了归纳法、演绎法和实证分析法,理清科幻电影的发展进程和各个派别和思潮密切相关的影响,阐明视觉奇观的开创性的建构实质在于从电影艺术的本体对科幻电影进行彻底的解构。然而,视觉奇观并不是完美的艺术表达形式,有利也有弊。不仅铸就了科幻电影的大众娱乐新天地,同时暗含隐性的谜团和潜在的危机。因此,人文思想的有力彰显和独特性创新的弘扬成为科幻电影新时代赋予的新任务。
[Abstract]:As a visual feature of film, spectacle reflects the most extrinsic expression of film art. Creating visual wonders is a process in which the director can directly perceive the powerful attraction or stimulation released by visual images with the help of digital technology. The artistic external expression, which conveys the realistic sense of reality, plays a very important role in enhancing the artistic tension of sci-fi films and the audience's acceptance of virtual aesthetic feeling. Science fiction film is a representative art carrier of visual wonders, which has been inextricably linked since the birth of the film. John Baxter, a famous film theorist, once commented: "regardless of the social importance of sci-fi films, sci-fi films are still a basic means of arousing beauty. They are poems of the age of atomic energy. It is a reminder of what we are and what the future will be. " Although digital technology led the wave of sci-fi films after the 1970s, it became an essential link in the production of sci-fi films. But sci-fi films flow under the appearance of prosperity, and some even argue that fantasy and fictional science fiction alone are children's tricks. Although sci-fi films have been questioned and criticized by literary circles, he has indisputably become the main type of films active in the box office market. And more people's pursuit and expectations. This paper attempts to look for the problems and the crux of sci-fi films from the perspective of the spectacle of the film by using "Visual Wonders" as the theoretical breakthrough point. In the beginning, the author makes a theoretical overview of sci-fi films and visual wonders, and looks for the footprints of visual wonders from the history of sci-fi films. Next, the visual spectacle in science fiction movies in the presentation of the way to do a comb. Then, this paper expounds the problems of Hollywood sci-fi films in the new century, such as deep deconstruction and experience alienation. Finally, combined with the superficial problem phenomenon of sci-fi film, the author deeply excavates the essential reason-the dialectical imbalance between "shape" and "meaning", and puts forward the way and method of breaking out. In the final conclusion, referring to the new research ideas of science fiction film, the author puts forward his own views for the future development of Chinese science fiction film. Science fiction films should see the current problems and defects mentioned in the article so that they can stand in the film market in a completely new way in the future. Moreover, in order to have a more thorough understanding of sci-fi films and help to grasp the direction of creation, it is necessary to clarify the mission and integration effect of visual wonders to sci-fi films, and to obtain the universal theoretical basis of science. In the future, the Chinese sci-fi film production tried hard to improve the quality and aesthetic effect of the film, and put forward constructive guidance and theoretical supplementary explanation. This paper uses induction, deduction and empirical analysis to clarify the development process of sci-fi films and the closely related influences of different schools and trends of thought. The essence of the creative construction of visual wonders lies in the thorough deconstruction of sci-fi films from the Noumenon of film art. However, visual spectacle is not a perfect form of artistic expression, there are advantages and disadvantages. It not only creates a new world of popular entertainment for sci-fi films, but also implies a hidden mystery and potential crisis. Therefore, it is a new task given by the new era of sci-fi film.


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