发布时间:2019-01-10 16:25
【摘要】:赵本山的农村题材电视剧《乡村爱情1-7》以爱情为主线,,艺术地呈现了当代农村的经济发展状况、农民的生活环境、生活方式和精神面貌。它取材于东北农村现实生活,拍摄风格淳朴、自然,语言生动、幽默,人物鲜活,每季播出都引发了社会的广泛关注,并受到北方广大农民朋友的青睐。 然而与此同时,许多观众也对《乡村爱情》系列剧提出了尖锐批评,比如对剧中多有残疾的农民形象提出了质疑,认为这是拿人物的生理缺陷来哗众取宠,是低俗、媚俗甚至不道德的行为。因此,如何从传播学的角度来认识这部系列剧的文化含义,就成为本文试图解读的重要问题。 本文从该系列剧播出的背景讲起,首先梳理了剧中塑造的各类农民形象,剖析了这些农民形象塑造的文化背景和现实关照,探讨了赵本山塑造这些农民形象的原因和意图,即通过这些有缺陷的形象塑造以迎合大众的消费口味,并通过新生代农民形象的塑造,以寄托赵本山对当代农村、农民发展的现实思考和美好愿望。而这一艺术创作过程的背后,是该剧的传播行为所蕴含的更为深刻的文化含义。这就是,在城市文化占据主流、农村文化日益边缘化的今天,本剧以影视剧的方式,将当代农民真实的生活现状、心理路程和精神面貌展现在观众面前,通过揶揄、自嘲甚至自毁形象的手段,让农民这个群体重新回到大众的视野,表现出农村文化对城市文化的霸权抵抗。
[Abstract]:Zhao Benshan's rural drama "Rural Love 1-7" takes love as the main line, and presents the economic development, the living environment, the life style and the spiritual outlook of the contemporary rural areas artistically. It is based on the real life in the rural areas of Northeast China. The shooting style is simple, natural, vivid language, humorous, vivid characters, every season broadcast has caused the widespread concern of the society, and has been favored by the farmers friends in the North. However, at the same time, many viewers have also made sharp criticisms of the series, for example, they have questioned the image of many disabled peasants in the play, saying that this is an attempt to appeal to the public by using the physical defects of the characters, and that it is vulgar. Vulgar or even immoral behavior. Therefore, how to understand the cultural meaning of the series from the perspective of communication has become an important issue in this paper. This article begins with the background of the series, firstly combing the various peasant images created in the series, analyzing the cultural background and realistic care of these peasant images, and discussing the reasons and intentions of Zhao Benshan's shaping these peasant images. That is, through these defective images to meet the consumption taste of the masses, and through the new generation of farmers image shaping, in order to place Zhao Benshan on the contemporary rural areas, farmers' development of realistic thinking and good wishes. Behind this artistic creation process is the more profound cultural implication of the drama's spreading behavior. This is, at a time when urban culture occupies the mainstream and rural culture is increasingly marginalized, the play presents to the audience the real life situation, psychological journey and spiritual outlook of contemporary farmers in the form of movies and TV dramas, and through teasing, The means of self-deprecating and even self-destructing make the peasant group come back to the public view and show the hegemonic resistance of the rural culture to the urban culture.
[Abstract]:Zhao Benshan's rural drama "Rural Love 1-7" takes love as the main line, and presents the economic development, the living environment, the life style and the spiritual outlook of the contemporary rural areas artistically. It is based on the real life in the rural areas of Northeast China. The shooting style is simple, natural, vivid language, humorous, vivid characters, every season broadcast has caused the widespread concern of the society, and has been favored by the farmers friends in the North. However, at the same time, many viewers have also made sharp criticisms of the series, for example, they have questioned the image of many disabled peasants in the play, saying that this is an attempt to appeal to the public by using the physical defects of the characters, and that it is vulgar. Vulgar or even immoral behavior. Therefore, how to understand the cultural meaning of the series from the perspective of communication has become an important issue in this paper. This article begins with the background of the series, firstly combing the various peasant images created in the series, analyzing the cultural background and realistic care of these peasant images, and discussing the reasons and intentions of Zhao Benshan's shaping these peasant images. That is, through these defective images to meet the consumption taste of the masses, and through the new generation of farmers image shaping, in order to place Zhao Benshan on the contemporary rural areas, farmers' development of realistic thinking and good wishes. Behind this artistic creation process is the more profound cultural implication of the drama's spreading behavior. This is, at a time when urban culture occupies the mainstream and rural culture is increasingly marginalized, the play presents to the audience the real life situation, psychological journey and spiritual outlook of contemporary farmers in the form of movies and TV dramas, and through teasing, The means of self-deprecating and even self-destructing make the peasant group come back to the public view and show the hegemonic resistance of the rural culture to the urban culture.
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