发布时间:2019-01-19 21:00
【摘要】:始于19世纪、并在20世纪后半叶达到高潮的全球性移民是当今文化研究的重要语境。在异质文化的碰撞、冲突及其力量不对称之间,“身份认同危机”空前突出,构成了全球化研究、文化研究领域的重要课题。我们认为,电影不仅是艺术文本,也是社会文本,,生动地记录和想象了全球性离散现象(diaspora),讨论海外华人导演及其电影所反映的离散经历和身份认同困境具有重要的现实意义。 本论文在全球范围内共收录了140名海外华人导演,在定量研究基础上,重点探索海外华人的身份危机及其认同的建构,主要分为三大部分展开论述:一、海外华人导演群体的分布现状。本部分对海外华人导演集中进行原籍地分布、移民分布、移民时间等量化分析,并详细探究北美、东南亚等海外华人导演群体的形成原因。二、海外华人导演的国际电影节获奖情况。国际电影节不仅能挑选优秀作品,而且是培育影视人才的重要路径,本部分广泛搜集海外华人导演在全球范围内的获奖情况及其特点,并做出详细的数量研究和分析。三、海外华人导演的身份危机及其认同。本部分将海外华人电影身份危机划分为殖民和后殖民两个时期,通过定性分析,展现身份危机及其认同在不同历史、文化等权力话语“合谋”下的表现形态与建构过程。
[Abstract]:Global immigration, which began in the 19 th century and reached its climax in the second half of the 20 th century, is an important context of cultural research today. Between the collision of heterogeneous cultures, conflicts and asymmetries of power, the "identity crisis" has become an important topic in the field of globalization and cultural research. We believe that film is not only an artistic text, but also a social text, vividly recording and imagining the global discrete phenomenon (diaspora), It is of great practical significance to discuss the discrete experience and identity dilemma reflected by overseas Chinese directors and their films. This thesis includes 140 overseas Chinese directors worldwide. On the basis of quantitative research, the thesis focuses on exploring the identity crisis of overseas Chinese and the construction of their identity, which is mainly divided into three parts: first, The distribution of overseas Chinese directors. This part focuses on the distribution of overseas Chinese directors, immigration time and other quantitative analysis, and explores in detail the formation of overseas Chinese directors in North America, Southeast Asia and other reasons. Second, the overseas Chinese director of the International Film Festival awards. The International Film Festival not only can select excellent works, but also is an important way to cultivate film and television talents. This part collects the awards and characteristics of overseas Chinese directors in the world, and makes a detailed quantitative study and analysis. Third, the identity crisis and identity of overseas Chinese directors. This part divides the overseas Chinese film identity crisis into two periods: colonial period and post-colonial period. Through qualitative analysis, it shows the expression and construction process of identity crisis and identity under the power discourse of different history and culture.
[Abstract]:Global immigration, which began in the 19 th century and reached its climax in the second half of the 20 th century, is an important context of cultural research today. Between the collision of heterogeneous cultures, conflicts and asymmetries of power, the "identity crisis" has become an important topic in the field of globalization and cultural research. We believe that film is not only an artistic text, but also a social text, vividly recording and imagining the global discrete phenomenon (diaspora), It is of great practical significance to discuss the discrete experience and identity dilemma reflected by overseas Chinese directors and their films. This thesis includes 140 overseas Chinese directors worldwide. On the basis of quantitative research, the thesis focuses on exploring the identity crisis of overseas Chinese and the construction of their identity, which is mainly divided into three parts: first, The distribution of overseas Chinese directors. This part focuses on the distribution of overseas Chinese directors, immigration time and other quantitative analysis, and explores in detail the formation of overseas Chinese directors in North America, Southeast Asia and other reasons. Second, the overseas Chinese director of the International Film Festival awards. The International Film Festival not only can select excellent works, but also is an important way to cultivate film and television talents. This part collects the awards and characteristics of overseas Chinese directors in the world, and makes a detailed quantitative study and analysis. Third, the identity crisis and identity of overseas Chinese directors. This part divides the overseas Chinese film identity crisis into two periods: colonial period and post-colonial period. Through qualitative analysis, it shows the expression and construction process of identity crisis and identity under the power discourse of different history and culture.
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