[Abstract]:Based on the study of the law of animation creation, this paper makes a comparison, analysis and in-depth study of the original text and the adapted animation works based on the analysis of the classical adapted animation works. The research shows that the original text language has the performance of image conversion, and there is a direct relationship between the text and the image in the meaning of expression. And through their own understanding of the original language, combined with personal reading, thinking, and the participation of creative intention, the animation creator rewrites, subverts and innovates the original book, and uses the unique characteristics of animation and artistic expression of language. Visualize it. The adapted animation works transmit the information of the original works to the audience by means of entertainment, so that the audience can receive the original information without obstacles at the same time, and experience the artistic charm of the original book more comprehensively and intuitively. The author also permeates the reformer's personal creative intention and the flavor of the times, satisfies the aesthetic image of the contemporary audience, entertains the expectation and appreciates the field of view, and at the same time reaches the expansion of the original text in terms of image and expressiveness. The introduction part of this paper defines the research object of the thesis as the original text and adaptation animation, and introduces the research results of the subject of adaptation animation and original text. Then, the paper analyzes the basic adaptation methods in the adaptation animation creation, introduces the characteristics of different adaptation methods and the re-creation effect of the original work, and combines the animation case works to prove the characteristics of the different adaptation methods and the re-creation effect of the original work. In this paper, the author sets up the personal viewpoint that "combining the subjective thought and the image thinking of the reformer, the dynamic artistic expression form of the original work should be reformed actively". This topic tries to combine the contemporary audience's cognitive habits, entertainment expectations and aesthetic experience to compare the adapted animation works with the original works, read and analyze them, and focus on the creative process of the adapted animation works. It comes from the function of the subjective image of the reformer and the narrative technique of the animation art expression. This paper discusses the expression, display, expansion and final effect of animation works on the basis of the original text, compares the differences and reasons between the two in image expression, and analyzes the expansion of animation to the original text in image and expressiveness. It also analyzes the multi-sensory expression brought by the art of adapted animation sound painting, discusses the way to realize the expansion of image and artistic expression in the adapted animation, and makes use of the skills and the good results achieved. In order to obtain the initiative of adaptation creation, the author explores the creative law of adaptation animation and makes the audience accept the cultural information of the original work better.
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