发布时间:2019-03-06 07:17
【摘要】:电影对我们的现实生活产生了越来越深刻的影响,尤其是经典的电影作品对电影产业的影响更为显著。电影作品作为传播手段的一种,可以把视觉和听觉等方面有机的联接起来,比传统的传播手段,如广播、书籍、报刊杂志等单一的传播方式更具有感染力,更容易让人们接受传播的内容。 随着电影产业的发展壮大,电影周边产业也异军突起,成为电影产业的一个重要组成部分,而电影拍摄地又作为电影周边产业中的一个重要构成,直观地将电影和现实联接起来。导演无形中已经扮演了导游的角色,电影作品在表现情节的同时,也不遗余力地将拍摄地的风光、人文等旅游文化资源加以展示。如《英雄》之于内蒙古额济纳旗的胡杨林,《非诚勿扰2》之于海南三亚,《大红灯笼高高挂》之于山西乔家大院等,都有利地带动了当地相关产业的发展,经典电影作品更加如此。
[Abstract]:Movies have a more and more profound impact on our real life, especially the classic films have a more significant impact on the film industry. Film works, as a means of communication, can organically link up visual and auditory aspects, and are more contagious than traditional means of communication, such as radio, books, newspapers and magazines, etc. It is easier for people to accept the spread of content. With the development and growth of the film industry, the film peripheral industry has also emerged, becoming an important part of the film industry, and the film shooting place as an important component of the film peripheral industry, Connect the film with reality intuitively. The director has played the role of a guide in the invisible, the film works not only show the plot, but also spare no effort to show the scenery, humanities and other tourist and cultural resources. Such as "Hero" for Hu Yang Lin in Ejina Banner in Inner Mongolia, "if you are the one" in Sanya, Hainan Province, and "Big Red Lantern hanging High" in the Qiaojia compound of Shanxi Province, all of them have given favorable impetus to the development of relevant local industries. This is even more true in classic films.
[Abstract]:Movies have a more and more profound impact on our real life, especially the classic films have a more significant impact on the film industry. Film works, as a means of communication, can organically link up visual and auditory aspects, and are more contagious than traditional means of communication, such as radio, books, newspapers and magazines, etc. It is easier for people to accept the spread of content. With the development and growth of the film industry, the film peripheral industry has also emerged, becoming an important part of the film industry, and the film shooting place as an important component of the film peripheral industry, Connect the film with reality intuitively. The director has played the role of a guide in the invisible, the film works not only show the plot, but also spare no effort to show the scenery, humanities and other tourist and cultural resources. Such as "Hero" for Hu Yang Lin in Ejina Banner in Inner Mongolia, "if you are the one" in Sanya, Hainan Province, and "Big Red Lantern hanging High" in the Qiaojia compound of Shanxi Province, all of them have given favorable impetus to the development of relevant local industries. This is even more true in classic films.
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