[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the 21st century, animation industry is more and more well-known, animation is also more and more attention and attention. Disney's unremitting efforts have not only not been eliminated by the times, but have always maintained the status of a leading figure in the animation industry. Its nearly 100-year history has not only made people sigh and let people learn. Disney not only let animation into people's lives, but also let people keep a happy, childlike heart. It is not only an entertainment kingdom, it also spreads true energy. This paper is divided into five parts, the first part, through the research of Walt Disney, the founder of Disney Company, analyzes the reasons why Walt Disney loves animation and the motivation of persistence. In the second part, we analyze the development of Disney Company, and find out the reasons why Disney Company experienced World War II and economic crisis, but did not withdraw from the historical stage. The third part, the analysis Disney animation art characteristic and the core value to understand the Disney enterprise culture, the connotation. Disney's integration of global cultures has driven millions of viewers around the world crazy. From the script, characters to music gradually analysis, Disney animation art characteristics, and then understand Disney's pursuit of technology, keeping up with the pace of the times. The fourth part, the understanding Disney company marketing means and to the staff training. The growth of a company is formed by working together in a number of ways. Finally, to analyze the current situation of Chinese animation, understand the deficiencies of Chinese animation, need to improve the place, through the overall analysis of Disney animation to summarize the experience, so that Chinese animation on the world stage.
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