[Abstract]:In this study, the consumption of animation industry in China was investigated based on scientific empirical methods. Sample data were collected by computer aided telephone survey system. Random dialing method was used to carry out the survey in all provinces and cities in China, and a total of 964 valid samples were obtained. This study analyzes the four dimensions of "animated film audience", "TV animation audience", "network animation audience" and "consumption of other links of animation industry chain". It is found that in 2016, Chinese animation consumption shows the vigorous development of animation industry, the continuous increase of output and output value, and the increasing number and enthusiasm of animation attention. The consumer structure of Chinese animation industry is constantly changing, animation is no longer what children like, and the acceptance of domestic animation characters supported by the government needs to be further studied.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院;
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