Thesis Statement
Literature Review
Theoretical Foundation
Significance of the Research
Layout of the Thesis
Chapter One Violation of American Women's Reproductive Right
1.1 Implementation of Law
1.1.1 Loss of Economic Independence
1.1.2 Deprivation of Autonomy
1.2 Exercise of Abortion Stigma
1.2.1 Cultural Discourse
1.2.2 Governmental and Institutional Influences
1.2.3 Community and Individual Factors
1.3 Inaccessibility to Safe Abortion
1.3.1 Declining Number of Abortion Service Providers
1.3.2 Abortion Harassment
1.3.3 Delayed Delivery of Abortion Services
Chapter Two Exploitation of Surrogate Mothers
2.1 Objectifictaion of Surrogate Mothers
2.1.1 Objectifying Surrogate Contracts
2.1.2 Objectifying Discourse
2.1.3 Self-objectification
2.2 Health Issues
2.2.1 Pre-preganacy Risks
2.2.2 Pregnancy Risks
2.2.3 Post-pregnancy Risks
2.3 Financial Issues
2.3.1 Being Underpaid
2.3.2 Unfair Legal Penalty
Chapter Three Sexual Violence Against Women
3.1 Myths Against Women
3.1.1 Beauty Myth
3.1.2 Rape Myth
3.2 Enslavement of Sex-trafficked Women
3.2.1 Physical Entrapment
3.2.2 Psychological Entrapment
3.3 Detrimental Consequnces of Rape
3.3.1 Psychological Consequences of Rape
3.3.2 Physical Consequences of Rape
3.3.3 Financial Consequences of Rape
Works Cited
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