发布时间:2017-09-04 03:33
【摘要】:英国喜剧电影有着悠久的历史和传统,地位举足轻重,源远流长。电影中独特的英式幽默不仅能将本国人民紧密地联结在一起,而且也以这种幽默的方式向全世界展现英国独有的文化和传统、国家地位和形象,社会变迁,以及普通英国人的生活和性格特点。自二十世纪九十年代以来,在电影全球化和好莱坞垄断日益加剧的背景下,英国不得不寻找加大国内电影竞争力的新路径,生产出了更多面向全球观众的商业喜剧电影,它们取得了巨大的票房成功,赢得了世人的称赞。 本文将重点分析九十年代以来成功商业喜剧片的两大代表类别:都市浪漫喜剧和当代工人阶级群体喜剧,挖掘这些电影反映的国家形象和社会变迁,并探讨政府和电影工业在向世界推销英国喜剧电影、展现英式幽默方面做出的努力。本文指出,通过浪漫喜剧展现风度翩翩的英国绅士、风景如画的田园风光、独特的仪式和礼节等传统国家形象和在全球化背景下的惬意的白人中产阶级形象,通过工人阶级喜剧反映传统工业的衰落、男性危机等社会变迁,同时通过创新电影风格(借鉴好莱坞式浪漫喜剧和将工人阶级形象商业化)以及与好莱坞在电影生产和发行上的合作,二十世纪九十年代以后的英国喜剧电影成功走向全球。
【关键词】:英国喜剧电影 商业成功 国家形象 影业合作
- Acknowledgements4-5
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-9
- 1. Introduction9-15
- 1.1 Research Issue,Significance and Thesis Statement9-10
- 1.2 Research Theory and Methodology10-11
- 1.3 Literature Review11-14
- 1.4 Thesis Structure14-15
- 2. British Comedy Tradition-From the 1890s to the Present15-24
- 2.1 From the 1890s to the Late 1920s:Visual Humor in Silent Cinema15-16
- 2.2 From the Late 1920s to the 1930s:the Coming of Verbal Humor16-17
- 2.3 From the 1940s to the 1960s:Ealing Comedy,Carry Ons,etc17-21
- 2.3.1 The Ealing Comedies18-19
- 2.3.2 The Carry Ons19-20
- 2.3.3 Other Representative Comedians or Works20-21
- 2.4 From the 1970s to the 1980s:A Relative Decline21-22
- 2.5 The 1990s Onwards:Unprecedented Commercial Success22-24
- 3. Analysis of Commercially Successful British Comedy Films since the 1990s24-45
- 3.1 The Commercial Success:Box Office and Rating24-26
- 3.2 Transformation to New-style Comedy:Urgency and Possibility for Change26-30
- 3.3 International Production and Promotion30-34
- 3.3.1 Funding30-31
- 3.3.2 Co-production and Distribution31-32
- 3.3.3 Popular Music32-34
- 3.4 Selling Britishness34-45
- 3.4.1 Urban Romantic Comedy and National Identity34-35
- 3.4.2 Urban Romantic Comedy:Major Themes35-41
- 3.4.3 Feel-good Community Comedy and National Identity41
- 3.4.4 Feel-good Community Comedy:Major Themes41-45
- 4. Case Study of Four Weddings and a Funeral(1994)45-53
- 4.1 Overview and Reception45-46
- 4.2 Synopsis46
- 4.3 Theme Exploration46-50
- 4.3.1 Urban Fairy Tale46-48
- 4.3.2 Quest for True Love and Marriage48-49
- 4.3.3 The Special UK-US Relationship in Film49-50
- 4.4 Production and Promotion Analysis50-53
- 5. Case Study of The Full Monty(1997)53-60
- 5.1 Overview and Reception53-54
- 5.2 Synopsis54
- 5.3 Theme Exploration54-57
- 5.3.1 The Decline of Traditional Industry and Working Class54-55
- 5.3.2 Masculinity Crisis55-56
- 5.3.3 Optimism,Nostalgia and Collectivism56-57
- 5.4 Production and Promotion Analysis57-60
- 6. Conclusion60-62
- Works Cited62-67
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1 杨柳;电影产业国际竞争力评价研究[D];上海交通大学;2013年