本文选题:可爱文化 切入点:本土 出处:《西北师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在当今科技和经济处于飞速发展的时代,社会压力日益增大,人们的思想、情感和行为也发生着相应的变化,也造就了新的文化思想。“可爱,活泼,漂亮”的消费产品受到了很多人尤其是年轻人的欢迎和追捧。在新一代人们文化思想的变化中,可爱文化这一现代文化现象也就应运而生了。 机灵滑稽的米老鼠、永远倒霉的唐老鸭、聪明善良的一休哥,一个个可爱的卡通形象陪伴着一代又一代孩子成长,他们已成为“可爱”的代名词。有专家提出,建立中国式的“可爱文化”,对构建中国消费文化、推动中国消费市场有着重要的作用。并且有专家说,动画文化的核心是“可爱文化”,可爱的造型、幽默好玩的故事则是动漫产品成功的先决条件。而《2009年中国文化产业发展报告》(文化蓝皮书)所做的调查显示,中国青少年最喜爱的20个动漫形象中,19个来自海外,中国动漫形象只有一个孙悟空名列其中。优秀的动漫明星的缺失将成为我国动漫业发展的最大瓶颈。 一直以来,我们都在以中华传统文化中的“庄重、可敬”为荣,却忽视着中华民族“幽默、可爱”的一面。我们在极力推崇“庄重、可敬”的过程中也无形中影响到本土电视动画的制作,比如:受众定位上,始终将主体放在儿童上,而忽视了其受众的多角度;创作思维上,保守的思想、严肃的思维方式严重影响了国产动画片的丰富想象力;具体制作中,仍是带有较多的说教痕迹,并且缺乏深刻性和趣味性。其实,翻开中国长长的文化艺术史,我们会发现“轻松”“幽默”也是深深扎根在祖先的生活观念中的。从较早的“三百篇”中无名的作者笔下的“无拘无束”,到老子的“赤子婴儿”、庄子的“逍遥”、孔子的“可爱”,再到后来宋之平话,元之戏曲,明之传奇,清之小说“,幽默、轻松”其实一直作为一种生活追求和态度相伴至今的。与之相对的是,在我们大力推崇我国“可敬”文化的同时,日本人却在更深刻理解“吾未见好德如好色者也”(孔子)的基础上,大力推展自己的“可爱”文化。与其让别人敬你畏你,不如让别人爱你喜欢你。自1970年代以来,“可爱”已经成为日本文化的重要元素,举凡大众文化、娱乐、衣着、饮食、玩具、装扮、行为与礼节等等,无不受其影响。日本人正在做的,就是用可爱的文化,来向世界宣传日本的魅力,也正是由于这样的文化运用日,本的“口袋妖怪”、“游戏王”、“皮卡丘”取代了“米老鼠”,成为了伴随新一代少年儿童成长的动画形象。同时,广义动画产业已经在日本国内生产总值中占十几个百分点,成为日本第三大产业。 本文正是从电视动画最具吸引力的文化因素入手,分析了可爱文化在电视动画发展中的重要性,在对中国传统文化中具有潜在可爱文化的角度中,探讨了我国电视动画在挖潜传统“可爱元素”的欠缺。从而在受众定位、文化取向、创作思路和制作人员等方面对我国电视动画发展进行了有益的思考。
[Abstract]:In today's science and technology and economy in the era of rapid development, the social pressure is increasing, people's thoughts, feelings and behavior are also changing, but also created a new culture. "Lovely, lively, beautiful" consumer products are a lot of people, especially young people welcome and sought after changes in the new. A generation of people's cultural thought, lovely culture of the modern cultural phenomenon also came into being.
Smart funny Mickey Mouse, always unlucky Tang Laoya, a clever and kind brother, a lovely cartoon image with generations of children grow up, they have become synonymous with "cute". Some experts suggested that the establishment of China type "cute culture", to build a China consumer culture. An important role China consumer market. And some experts say, the core animation culture is the culture of cute, lovely shape, humor and fun story is a prerequisite for the success of animation products. And <2009 China cultural industry development report > (Cultural Blue Book) survey done by 20 the cartoon image of Chinese youth favorite, 19 from overseas, Chinese there is only one cartoon image of Sun Wukong among them. The lack of excellent animation star will become the biggest bottleneck in the development of China's animation industry.
All along, we are in the Chinese traditional culture of "solemn, respectable" proud, but ignore the Chinese nation "humor, a lovely". We strongly praised the "grave influence to production, local TV animation in the process of respectable" intangible such as: audience positioning, and always will be onchildren, while ignoring its multi angle audience; creative thinking, conservative thinking, serious thinking seriously affected the imagination of domestic cartoons; the specific production, still with more didactic traces, and the lack of profound and interesting. In fact, open China long cultural and artistic history. We will find the "easy" and "humor" is deeply rooted in the concept of ancestors living. From the author earlier "three hundred" in the ring under the "free", "baby baby" to Lao Tzu, Chuang-tzu "Happy", Confucius's "cute", then later the song main level, Yuan opera, Ming Qing novels, legend, humor, easy "has been as a pursuit of life and attitude accompanied by so far. In contrast, in our country we advocate" respectable "culture at the same time, Japanese are in a more profound understanding of" would you mind who is winner "(Confucius) on the basis of promoting their" cute "culture. And let others respect you fear you, let others love you love you. Since 1970s," cute "has become an important element of Japanese culture, including popular culture, entertainment, clothing, food, toys, dress, behavior and etiquette, etc., are all affected. Japanese are doing, is to use the cute culture to promote Japanese charm to the world, because of such a culture based on the" pocket monster "Ghosts", "game king" and "Picacho" have replaced Mickey Mouse as an animated image accompanied by the growth of new generation of children. At the same time, the generalized animation industry has accounted for more than a percentage point of gross domestic product in Japan, and has become the third largest industry in Japan.
This article is from the perspective of cultural factors of TV animation is the most attractive, analyzes the importance of cute culture in TV animation in the development, has the potential of Chinese in cute culture in the traditional culture angle, discusses our country TV animation in the lack of tapping the potential of the traditional "cute elements". Thus in the audience positioning, cultural orientation. Creative thinking and production personnel and other aspects of China's TV animation development was beneficial thinking.
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