[Abstract]:In recent years, moral and value education has become one of the hot topics. All over the world, all countries attach great importance to the education of youth morality and values. Over the years, both in theory and in practice, experts and scholars have put forward many effective methods of moral education for young people. However, with the continuous development of society, the various social problems related to teenagers have inevitably emerged, such as early love, treason, depression, violent tendency, crime rate rising year by year, etc. These have to arouse our high attention and profound reflection. What is the reason for the deviation between moral values and moral values of many teenagers? I think this is the result of a combination of reasons. To sum up, there are two main factors: social environment and youth's own character deficiency. There are many kinds of social factors: the reason of family, the reason of school, the reason of living environment, the reason of social culture and so on. In these complicated social reasons, I think the most influential social and cultural reasons. Among many cultural phenomena, the influence of animation on adolescent morality and values has gradually attracted the attention of more and more experts and scholars at home and abroad. As we all know, the main audience of cartoons is teenagers. Animation with its irresistible "killing power" to attract these rare children. Then, the various social and cultural factors contained in the animation will inevitably penetrate into the moral and values of teenagers. The vigorous development of the animation industry has actively promoted the spread and exchange of various cultures of different nationalities at home and abroad, earning huge economic benefits, but also leading to many social problems. Therefore, in order to effectively cure all kinds of social problems of young people, we must start from the source, give the right remedy to the case, eliminate as many harmful cultural factors as possible, and create a warm and harmonious environment for young people to grow up in. Here, I hope to further explore how to guide and standardize the healthy and orderly development of animation industry through in-depth analysis of the impact of animation on adolescent morality and values. In order to help the majority of young people to establish the correct moral and values. It contributes to the moral education of teenagers and the prevention and cure of many social problems.
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