[Abstract]:Every corner of modern society is full of advertisements. Whenever we open a newspaper, magazine or TV, or even look at a poster board on a building, all the ads come into our eyes. Advertising language has gradually formed a unique style-advertising style. As a practical style with high commercial value, advertising English is an important part of modern English, with its unique language features and communicative and persuasive functions. This paper is devoted to a systematic and objective study of the unique linguistic features and stylistic effects of advertising English, which will help advertisers and readers to understand and appreciate the art of advertising language from a new perspective: foregrounding. It seems to us that the study of advertising English as a special style can not only provide us with a new perspective to explore the internal structure of advertising English, but also have important significance for the systematic classification of advertising. From the perspective of linguistic field, advertising can be divided into commercial advertising and non-commercial advertising, from the perspective of tenor, it can be divided into consumer advertising and business advertising. In terms of media, i.e. language, it can be divided into print advertisement (newspaper and magazine advertisement), electronic advertisement (radio and television advertisement), outdoor advertisement and direct mail advertisement. Foregrounding can be divided into two categories: quality foregrounding and quantitative foregrounding. The former refers to the phenomenon of deviation from or violation of conventional language, which can be achieved by variation. It can be seen at all levels of language, but this paper only discusses the linguistic features and stylistic effects of advertising English from three main aspects: lexical, semantic and syntactic. Lexical variation refers to new words, such as words / words, misspellings, or compound words. Semantic variation is mainly realized by rhetoric. The frequent use of rhetoric in advertising English can increase literary talent and enlighten wisdom. Metaphor can visually and vividly display the product; personification can increase the product's vitality; puns make advertising sound humorous and enjoyable. These prominent language features are simple, economical, impressive and effective. Quantitative foregrounding is usually achieved by parallelism or repetition. When a language routine appears at a high frequency, it comes out of the background and draws attention. Advertisers use alliteration in phonetics, imperative sentences in syntax, repetition and parallelism in rhetoric. These linguistic features, though not mutated, still stand out. For example, phonetic rhetoric can not only make readers appreciate the phonological beauty of advertising language, but also cause beautiful associations. Foregrounding is an important means for advertisers to create attractive and persuasive advertisements. Usually, advertisers use quality foregrounding, quantitative foregrounding, or both to achieve outstanding advertising effects. All of these foregrounding language features are simple, economical, and effective. In short, foregrounding is not only an effective stylistic theory, but also an important art of advertising language.
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