[Abstract]:Reason, a billboard emotion that distinguishes human beings from the rest of life, the only unadulterated message in this advertisement, ever since man became a human being, has been unabashedly affixed to his face with a label of "thought" as a sign of exaltation. The difficulty of evolution causes the fire of human primitive emotion to hide the sun and die suddenly; the helplessness of existence causes many people to have a beautiful name, reason. For thousands of years, the battle between reason and emotion on the stage of tens of millions of hearts deduce all kinds of tragicomedy. In the history of world religion, philosophy, and art, the continent of Europe, with its rich splendor, sprouted in the ideology of the Renaissance to explore reason and emotion, such as Bacon, Shakespeare's thought and literature. But the continent of Europe, where theocracy was still in the minds of most, sprouted into the ideology of the Renaissance to explore reason and emotion, such as Bacon, Shakespeare's ideas and literature. But at that time theocracy was still dominant in most people's minds, and its discussion was only vaguely superficial on the margins. It was not until the middle of the 17th century that people began to challenge asceticism and theocracy with songs, dances, poems and texts with the flood of Romantic thoughts advocated by Rousseau and others. In the Victorian era, a group of talented artists culminated in the mining of the bottom of humanity. The battle between reason and emotion is not only in the minds of the masters, but also among the creators. This is a battle without winners, it not only promoted the progress of society and the integrity of human nature, but also to the dirty industrial civilization era left countless beautiful lace. This paper attempts to intercept a segment of the play and try to present this fierce scene by analyzing 10 classic business cards that reflect the European customs of the Victorian era. Perhaps this practice itself is irrational, emotion and reason as if the sword of the left hand and the sword of the right hand, their confrontation is an unavoidable sorrow. And there is ambiguity between emotion and reason in the following 10 films: emotion contains everything from love, hate, affinity, evil, etc.; reason has different categories such as jurisprudence, axiom, wit, deceit, etc. Many things, do not get involved in them is difficult to understand, as Mr. Meng said: son is not a fish, son is not me. We couldn't go back to the Victorian era when the lady used a fast fan to express celibacy, and a fan completely opened to show love, and we had to feel who loved more and who was more helpless in the movies. If you don't want to get caught up in annoying feuds and inexplicable detestation, you can enjoy the mountains of England, the sea of Italy, the countryside of France, and the palaces of Russia. The benevolent person happy mountain, the wise person happy water, you can both happy mountain and the happy water, why not do not?
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