[Abstract]:The artistic features of printed cloth and silk advertisement wrapping paper are a combination of the elements of traditional and modern commercial culture of Chinese engraving culture, except for the basic elements of commercial advertising, such as the name of Zhuangming shop, the number of location door, the scope of business, and the quality of products. In addition to marking pictures, special attention is paid to the use of fashionable words to reflect fashionable commodities, but less auspicious culture, poetry, calligraphy and painting printing and other traditional culture content: wrapping paper ruler is larger, advertising text is less, so the layout design is larger, the text is also large and eye-catching; Printing color with red, blue, green and other colors, but also with ink, green or ink, blue overprinter, less black; plate box for the long side, and the layout position for deviation, oblique, to meet the packaging layout left in the middle of the need.
【作者单位】: 浙江省象山县县志办公室;
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