[Abstract]:Collision detection has a long history in robot motion planning, computer graphics and other fields. In recent years, with the rise of virtual reality, distributed interactive simulation and other technologies, collision detection has become a hot topic. Accurate collision detection plays an important role in improving the authenticity of virtual environment and enhancing the immersion of virtual environment. However, the complexity and real-time of virtual environment have put forward higher requirements for collision detection. Character animation is one of the most active fields in computer science in the last ten years. It has been widely used in many fields such as virtual reality, computer-aided design, advertising media and digital entertainment. With the development of computer hardware technology, especially the development of video card technology with hardware acceleration, real-time character animation has been more and more widely used. Real-time character animation has great economic prospects and theoretical significance. In real-time character animation, skinned skeletal animation is the most widely used animation technology. It combines the characteristics of single mesh animation and joint animation. It not only overcomes the shortcoming that single grid animation needs a large amount of memory, but also does not have the problem of body cracks of 3D characters which often occur in joint animation. In this paper, the collision detection technology of skinned skeletal animation is studied and discussed in detail. In the previous research, there is no special research on the skinned skeletal animation, but only the traditional collision detection technology is applied to the skinned skeletal animation, which makes the pertinence not strong. Not very good for skinny skeletal animation system. Based on the traditional collision detection technology and the characteristics of the skinned skeleton, this paper improves the collision detection algorithm to adapt to the skinned skeletal animation system, and verifies the validity and applicability of the algorithm through experiments. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1 according to the characteristics of skeletal structure in skinned skeletal animation, OBB is chosen as the bounding box of virtual characters, which makes the bounding box and the bone relate to each other. Be a one-to-one relationship. (2) the algorithm of generating parent OBB by two child OBB is improved, and the hierarchical tree generation of role bounding box is improved. Using the characteristics of Animation structure in skinned skeletal animation, the update of OBB hierarchy tree is improved, so that the update of OBB can make use of the information of bone transformation of virtual characters, that is, the change of OBB and the transformation of bone. Speed up the update of OBB trees. Finally, experiments show that the algorithm improves the efficiency of collision detection and meets the needs of collision detection of complex 3D characters in virtual environment.
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