[Abstract]:At present, three-dimensional animation is the mainstream form of animation, three-dimensional production software has become the main tool of animation products. 3D animation software is the first to build a virtual world in the computer. In this virtual 3D world, the designer establishes the model and scene according to the shape and size of the object to be represented, and then sets the trajectory of the model according to the requirements. The motion and other animation parameters of the virtual camera, and finally assign a specific material to the model and light it as required. When all this is done, the computer can automatically operate and generate the final picture. Because of its accuracy, authenticity and unlimited maneuverability, 3D animation technology is widely used in many fields, such as medicine, education, military, entertainment, film and television advertising and so on. Animation products this trend of more and more software, let us try to manage the concept of software engineering to manage the 3D animation production process, so that it is more standardized and more efficient. At present, there is no special testing method and technology for 3D animation, and only rely on the experience of the producer to debug the product. Therefore, it is necessary to study the defects in animation production by using mature software testing methods. Software testing is the key technical means to ensure software quality, improve software reliability and reduce software production cost in the process of software development. Software test management plays an important role in guiding the implementation of testing work, and provides a systematic and progressive testing scheme for software enterprises. In this paper, the application of software testing technology in the process of 3D animation is taken as the research object, and the experiment is carried out in the character animation module from the research technology of software testing. According to the script requirements of animation works, firstly, the requirements and characteristics of animation module are analyzed, and after detailed risk analysis, the test principles, test objectives, test items and overall flow are determined. On this basis, the test strategy and method suitable for animation module testing are selected, and the analysis and design of test cases are carried out. Finally, the inventory tracking matrix is used to analyze the coverage of test case design.
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