本文关键词: 任务型教学 对外汉语 初级综合课教材 《体验汉语基础教程》 《新目标英语》 出处:《广西师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:任务型教学是20世纪80年代从国外兴起的第二语言教学的理论,它是一种实现“以表达内容为中心”的理论与方法,从一个新的角度对第二语言教学进行了指导和诠释,有利于解决传统教学中长期存在的问题,激发学生的自主学习能力,因此,将任务型教学理念应用于我国对外汉语初级教材的编写对我国对外汉语事业的发展有着重要意义。但是到目前为止,应用于英语教学领域的任务型语言教材研究已较为成熟,但是应用于对外汉语教学领域的任务型语言教材研究却还刚刚起步,目前,我国任务型对外汉语综合课的教材十分稀少,影响较大的就只有高等教育出版社出版的《体验汉语基础教程》一书。 本文尝试通过对目前广泛应用于中国英语教学的…套成熟的以任务型语言教学为纲的英语教材《新目标英语》与《体验汉语基础教程》进行对比和分析,从而借鉴《新目标英语》这一任务型英语教材中的优势和方法,同时发现《体验汉语基础教程》这一现有的任务型对外汉语教材中的闪光点及不足,就如何编写出一套较为完善的任务型对外汉语初级综合课教材给出编写建议。 本篇论文的第一部分为引言,这,一部分描述了目前国内外任务型语言教材研究的现状,并阐述了本文研究的对象、研究方法以及研究的意义;文章的第二部分主要是阐述论文研究的相关概念和理论,这个部分解释了什么是“任务”,什么是“任务型语言教学”,并说明了传统综合课教材与任务型综合课教材的区别,为论文的研究提供了相应的理论基础;文章的第三部分是本文的核心部分,这个部分通过大量的数据分析和图表统计分别从内容编排、体例设计以及任务的设计三个方面的对《体验汉语基础教程》与七年级《新目标英语》进行了详细的对比和分析,总结了两套教材的相同点和不同点以及各自的优势和不足,从而发现:《体验汉语基础教程》与传统教材相比,具有操作性强、功能性强、语言知识与技能训练相结合等优势,但是,与《新目标英语》相比,其“任务型”的特点还体现地十分不明显,而《新目标英语》完全引入任务型语言教学的理念,教法新颖,内容丰富,用途实际,具有较大的进步性和积极性,十分值得我们在对外汉语教材的编写中借鉴和吸收;论文的最后一个部分是结合前面的分析和任务型教学特点给出的编写建议,这个部分首先在第三部分的基础上探讨了目前我国任务型对外汉语教材还存在的问题,如任务性不强,形式偏向于传统,任务之间相依性弱的问题,然后分析了任务型语言教材编写中存在的难点,最后从内容编排、体例编排以及任务的设计三个方面给出了笔者的教材编写建议。
[Abstract]:Task-based teaching is the theory of second language teaching which rose from abroad in 1980s. It is a theory and method to realize "expressing content as the center". The guidance and interpretation of second language teaching from a new angle is helpful to solve the long-standing problems in traditional teaching and stimulate students' autonomous learning ability. It is of great significance for the development of Chinese as a foreign language cause to apply the task-based teaching concept to the compilation of primary textbooks for Chinese as a foreign language in China, but so far. The study of task-based language teaching materials applied in the field of English teaching is mature, but the study of task-based language teaching materials applied in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is still in its infancy. The teaching materials of task-based comprehensive Chinese as a foreign language course are very rare in our country, and only the book "the basic course of experiencing Chinese" published by higher Education Publishing House has a great influence. This paper attempts to compare and analyze a set of mature Task-based English teaching materials "New Target English" and "the basic course of experiencing Chinese", which are widely used in Chinese English teaching at present. In order to draw lessons from the advantages and methods of the task-based English textbook "New Target English", we also find that "experience Chinese basic course", the existing task-based Chinese as a foreign language textbook, has a bright spot and deficiency. This paper gives some suggestions on how to compile a set of task-based Chinese as a foreign language primary comprehensive course textbook. The first part of this paper is the introduction, which describes the current situation of task-based language teaching materials at home and abroad, and expounds the object, research methods and significance of this study. The second part of the paper mainly explains the related concepts and theories of the thesis, which explains what is "task" and "task-based language teaching". It also explains the difference between the traditional integrated course material and the task-based integrated course teaching material, which provides the corresponding theoretical basis for the research of the thesis. The third part of the article is the core part of this paper, this part through a large number of data analysis and chart statistics from the content arrangement. This paper makes a detailed comparison and analysis of "experience Chinese basic course" and "New Target English" in Grade 7 from three aspects of style design and task design. This paper summarizes the similarities and differences of the two sets of textbooks, as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages, and finds that the basic course of experiencing Chinese is more operable and functional than the traditional textbooks. The combination of language knowledge and skill training, however, compared with "New Target English", its "task-based" features are not obvious. The new target English is a new teaching method, rich in content, practical in use, and has a great progress and enthusiasm in introducing the concept of task-based language teaching completely. It is very worthwhile for us to draw lessons from and absorb in the compilation of textbooks for Chinese as a foreign language. The last part of the paper is based on the previous analysis and task-based teaching characteristics of the preparation of the recommendations. This part first discusses the problems existing in the task-based TCSL textbooks on the basis of the third part, such as the lack of taskiness, the traditional form and the weak dependency between tasks. Then it analyzes the difficulties in compiling task-based teaching materials, and finally gives the author's suggestions from three aspects: content arrangement, style arrangement and task design.
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