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发布时间:2018-02-03 23:16

  本文关键词: 泰国学生 动宾离合词 偏误分析 教学对策 出处:《上海外国语大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:对外汉语教学的诸多难点当中,“离合词”这一语言点可以说是较突出的。“离合词”要根据交际需求的不同来决定使用“合”的形式或者“离”的形式,不仅让很多外国学生在汉语学习的过程感到了不少困难,而且也很难找到最有效的办法来解决问题,泰国学生也是如此。因为泰语里不存在“离合词”这一概念,学生在学习的过程也不是很熟悉,他们在使用上经常跟一般的词语产生混淆。因此,各种各样的错误就不断地显现出来。 虽然有不少人已经意识到泰国学生汉语学习这一方面的问题,可是相关的研究到目前几乎没有,本人由于想弥补这一点的不足,所以从离合词当中占最多数量的类型,即动宾式离合词开始作为主要研究范围进行综合研究,探讨泰国学生的偏误以及寻找较可靠的办法解决问题。 本论文一共分成五个部分:第一部分首先总结选题的意义、离合词相关的研究成果、所采取的理论依据,然后介绍本文的研究思路,是以专门设计的测试卷为主要研究方法,本文主要考察的对象是泰国汉语专业二年级至四年级的学生。第二部分从所收回的测试卷进行统计出泰国学生动宾离合词本身与扩展形式的使用情况与掌握程度,将所存在的偏误进行类型的划分以及探讨泰国学生此方面偏误的特点。第三部分专门探讨泰国学生动宾离合词偏误产生的原因,主要来自母语负迁移、目的语知识的影响、教师与教学法的影响等三方面。第四部分是根据泰国学生动宾离合词所存在的偏误提出较有针对性的教学原则,即应该先对学生强调“离合词”的概念,然后讲课的过程要根据教材里的语法项目出现的前后顺序将离合词的扩展情况结合一起讲解,可以采用一些教学技巧,例如,提问法、模仿造句、小组讨论等等。除此之外,,本文还提出了具体的教学方案,主要将离合词所存在的特点从各个角度利用思维导图来辅助教学。最后,对本论文作出全面总结,由于本人的汉语能力与时间有限,所以使测试的考察范围还不够全面,因此仍存在不足之处,有待以后更进一步的研究。
[Abstract]:Among the difficulties in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the language point of "separation word" can be said to be more prominent. The "separation word" should be used in accordance with the different communication needs to decide the form of "harmony" or "separation". It is not only difficult for many foreign students to learn Chinese, but also difficult to find the most effective way to solve the problem. The same is true of Thai students. Because the concept of "clutch word" does not exist in Thai, students are not very familiar with the process of learning, and they often confuse with common words in their use. All sorts of mistakes are constantly appearing. Although many people have been aware of this aspect of Thai students' Chinese learning problems, but the relevant research to the present almost no, I want to make up for this deficiency. Therefore, starting from the type of the largest number of clutch words, that is, verb-object disjunctive words as the main scope of study, to explore the errors of Thai students and to find a more reliable solution to the problem. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part summarizes the significance of the topic, the relevant research results of clutch words, the theoretical basis adopted, and then introduces the research ideas of this paper. Is a specially designed test volume as the main research method. The main object of this paper is Thai Chinese students from grade two to grade four. The second part statistics the usage and mastery of Thai students' verb-object clutch words and extended forms from the collected test papers. . The third part mainly discusses the causes of the errors in Thai students, mainly from the negative transfer of mother tongue. The influence of target language knowledge and the influence of teachers and teaching methods are three aspects. 4th part is based on the errors existing in Thai students' verb-object separation words and puts forward more targeted teaching principles. That is to say, the concept of "clutch word" should be emphasized to the students first, and then the teaching process should be based on the grammar items in the textbook before and after the order of the expansion of the words together to explain together, we can use some teaching techniques. For example, the question method, the imitation sentence, the group discussion and so on. In addition, this article also proposed the concrete teaching plan, mainly from each angle uses the thought map to assist the teaching. This paper makes a comprehensive summary, due to my limited Chinese ability and time, so the scope of the test is not comprehensive enough, so there are still shortcomings, to be further studied.


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