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发布时间:2018-02-05 02:39

  本文关键词: 法律语言学 法庭讯问 语用策略 言语行为 合作原则 出处:《东北师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:法律语言学作为语言学领域里的一个新兴分支,研究法庭话语实则拓宽了应用语言学的研究范围。研究庭审讯问中的语用策略,在一定程度上也为语用学提供了新的研究方向。丰富和充实了关于法庭话语的语用研究。 本文试图从动态的研究出发,,结合语用学相关理论对法庭讯问进行研究以及探索。运用言语行为理论分析了法庭讯问类型,描写出在庭审中公诉人采用不同的讯问手法。同时总结大量法庭答话的种类以及相应语言学理论并以此为基础,着手对法庭讯问的策略进行研究,研究发现,在庭审中,公诉人主要使用中心策略和辅助策略展开讯问。为法官、公诉人在法庭调查阶段提供相应的理论依据。通过对法庭讯问策略进行客观的描写。对一系列的事实概括出一般原理。以定性分析为主对庭审讯问中的语用策略进行客观的描写总结。 通过研究,本文发现,在法庭讯问中,公诉人常使用的中心讯问策略有打断策略、重点重复策略、迂回策略、递进策略。而辅助策略的使用也日渐得到关注,可以归纳为:韵律的使用和体态语的使用。
[Abstract]:As a new branch in the field of linguistics, the study of forensic discourse has widened the scope of applied linguistics and studied pragmatic strategies in trial interrogation. To some extent, it also provides a new research direction for pragmatics, which enriches and enriches the pragmatic research on courtroom discourse. Based on the dynamic research, this paper tries to study and explore the courtroom interrogation by combining the relevant pragmatic theories, and analyzes the types of the courtroom interrogation by using the speech act theory. This paper describes the different interrogation techniques used by the public prosecutor in the trial. At the same time, summarizes a large number of court answers and the corresponding linguistic theories, and on this basis, starts to study the strategies of court interrogation, and the research findings. In the trial, the public prosecutor mainly uses the central strategy and auxiliary strategy to carry out interrogations for the judge. The public prosecutor provides the corresponding theoretical basis in the court investigation stage. Through the objective description of the court interrogation strategy, the author generalizes the general principle of a series of facts. The pragmatic strategy in the trial interrogation is mainly based on the qualitative analysis. Make an objective summary of the description. Through the research, this paper finds that in court interrogation, the central interrogation strategy often used by the public prosecutor includes interrupting strategy, emphasis repetition strategy, circuitous strategy, progressive strategy, and the use of auxiliary strategy has been paid more and more attention. Can be summarized as: the use of prosody and the use of body language.


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