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发布时间:2018-02-06 01:59

  本文关键词: 言语差异 用法 频率 《红楼梦》 出处:《华中师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文分别从词义用法、复句、诗词三个方面切入,使用数据统计等方法,对《红楼梦》①前八十回和后四十回的语言现象进行了深入的比较,发现《红楼梦》前后在以上三个方面都存在着很大的差异性。具体表现是“这么、那么”“各各、个个、每每”“困、乏、倦”“怎么处、怎么办”等词语意义、用法、使用频率、语用价值方面;特殊复句结构“因Y因G”和“连字句”的特点、用法;诗词格律的体裁、韵例、用韵等方面。本文在深入分析和考察的基础上推断出:作者言语风格、地域差异是导致这部著作前后言语差异的主要原因。本文主要分以下几个部分: 第一部分,绪论。介绍本论文的选题价值、研究对象、研究现状以及写作思路和运用的方法。 第二部分,词义用法方面的差异。穷尽地梳理几组词语在《红楼梦》前后的用例,在词义用法等方面详细地比较前后存在的差异性,为方便研究,每组词语根据具体特征的不同,都从语法功能或者是语用价值等方面加以分类,从而更加深刻地揭示出这些词语所体现出的前后言语差异。 第三部分,复句方面的差异。穷尽地梳理两类复句在《红楼梦》前后的用例,为方便研究,也是将其按照前后比较的需要进行细致的分类,从而揭示出复句所体现的前后言语的差异性。 第四部分,诗词方面的差异。打开新的视角,从诗词方面入手,通过诗词的体裁、韵例、押韵特征几个方面的考察,论述《红楼梦》前后在诗词韵律上所体现出的差异性。 第五部分,结论。结合上述内容,总结言语差异的特征,对出现差异性的原因作出初步推断。通过对词汇、句法、音韵等语言材料的分析比较,得出《红楼梦》前八十回与后四十回的言语存在差异,进而推出前后的作者可能不是一人。在比较前后言语差异性的同时,就《红楼梦》时期或者说是近代汉语时期其它的典型语言现象考论其有关特点。
[Abstract]:This paper makes a deep comparison of the language phenomena in the first 80 chapters of "Dream of Red Mansions" and the 40 chapters of "Dream of Red Mansions" in terms of meaning usage, complex sentence and poetry, and using the methods of data and statistics. It is found that there are great differences in the above three aspects before and after "A Dream of Red Mansions". The concrete expression is "so, then" and "each of them, every time", "sleepy, tired, tired", "how to do, how to do" and other words, meaning, usage, frequency of use, etc. On the aspect of pragmatic value, the characteristics and usage of the special complex sentence structure "because of Y" and "Lianzi sentence", the genre, rhyme example, rhyme and so on. The author's speech style is inferred on the basis of in-depth analysis and investigation. Geographical differences are the main reasons for the differences in speech before and after this work. This paper mainly consists of the following parts:. The first part, introduction, introduces the value of this paper, the research object, the present situation, the writing thought and the method of application. The second part, the differences in the use of word meaning. The use cases of several groups of words before and after "A Dream of Red Mansions" are combed out, and the differences before and after the use of word meanings are compared in detail in order to facilitate the study. Each group of words is classified in terms of grammatical function or pragmatic value according to their specific characteristics so as to reveal more profoundly the linguistic differences between these words and phrases. The third part, the differences in complex sentences. The use cases of the two types of complex sentences before and after "A Dream of Red Mansions" are combed out. For the convenience of study, they are also classified in detail according to the needs of comparison before and after. Thus, it reveals the difference of the speech before and after the complex sentence. Part 4th, the differences in poetry and poetry. From the perspective of poetry, through the study of poetry genre, rhyme examples, rhyme characteristics, this paper discusses the differences in the rhythm of poetry before and after "A Dream of Red Mansions". Part 5th, conclusion. Combined with the above contents, summarizes the characteristics of speech differences, and makes a preliminary inference of the causes of differences. Through the analysis and comparison of language materials, such as vocabulary, syntax, phonology, etc. It is concluded that there are differences in speech between the first 80 chapters and the last 40 chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions, and that the author before and after the introduction may not be one person. In the period of "Dream of Red Mansions" or other typical linguistic phenomena in modern Chinese period, the relevant characteristics are discussed.


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