本文关键词: 初级阶段 泰国中学生 汉语语音 语音偏误 出处:《云南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中泰两国地缘相近、文化相通、血脉相连,“汉语热”在泰国经久不衰。在泰国汉语正逐步纳入国民基础教育体系,越来越多的中小学生开始学习汉语。语音是第二语言学习的基础,也是第二语言教学的关键。学生学习的难点就是教师应该教授的重点,因此,本文是在本人的实习学校——泰国呵叻府rd崆中学进行了初级阶段语音教学有关情况的调查,在研读了很多前人对语音学习状况的研究著作的基础上,借助第二语言习得的对比分析理论、中介语理论和偏误分析理论,就初级阶段中学生在课堂上和口语考试中出现汉语语音问题进行总结和分析,并试图讨论解决或者减少这些问题的方法和对策。 第一章先就笔者自己在泰国的汉语教学实践过程中了解到的情况介绍一下目前泰国汉语教学现状及东北部志愿者的情况,简要介绍下前人对汉语作为第二语言的语音学习状况方面的研究并介绍了本文中所采用的测试和分析的理论背景和依据; 第二章对汉泰语语音系统进行详细描述,先整体讨论两个语音系统,再分析和总结这两种语言语音系统的相同点和不同点,这些比较将对下文的对泰汉语教学和研究均提供有力的理论保障; 第三章详细介绍本次测试工作的步骤并对测试的语音样本进行采集、整理、统计分析的过程; 进而在第四章运用第二语言习得的偏误分析理论、中介语理论等分析这些语音样本在学习过程中可能出现的问题,这些都是在汉泰语语音系统对比的基础上得来的; 在第五章中,笔者基于自己的教学实践初步提出一些对泰汉语教学的方法和建议。这些意见和建议需要在今后的教学和研究工作中加以实践和论证; 最后结论部分回顾一下本论文所作的研究工作,并展望汉语教学的美好前景。
[Abstract]:China and Thailand are geographically close, cultural and consanguineous, and the "Chinese craze" has survived in Thailand. In Thailand, the Chinese language is gradually being incorporated into the national basic education system. More and more primary and middle school students begin to learn Chinese. Pronunciation is the basis of second language learning and the key to second language teaching. This paper is based on the investigation of the situation of phonetic teaching in the primary stage of my internship school, the Thailand Yalat FuerkongMiddle School, and on the basis of reading many previous works on the study of phonetic learning. With the help of the contrastive analysis theory of second language acquisition, interlanguage theory and error analysis theory, this paper summarizes and analyzes the problems of Chinese pronunciation in the classroom and oral examination of middle school students at the primary stage. And tries to discuss the solution or reduces these problems the method and the countermeasure. The first chapter introduces the current situation of Chinese teaching in Thailand and volunteers in the Northeast of Thailand. This paper briefly introduces the previous researches on the phonetic learning of Chinese as a second language, and introduces the theoretical background and basis of the testing and analysis used in this paper. The second chapter gives a detailed description of the Chinese and Thai phonetic systems, first discusses the two speech systems as a whole, then analyzes and summarizes the similarities and differences between the two speech systems. These comparisons will provide a strong theoretical guarantee for the following teaching and research of Thai Chinese; The third chapter introduces the steps of the test and the process of collecting, sorting and statistical analysis of the speech samples. Then, in Chapter 4th, we use the error analysis theory of second language acquisition and the interlanguage theory to analyze the problems that may arise in the learning process of these phonetic samples, all of which are based on the comparison between Chinese and Thai phonetic systems. In chapter 5th, based on my own teaching practice, the author puts forward some methods and suggestions of teaching Chinese to Thailand, which need to be practiced and demonstrated in the teaching and research work in the future; In the last part, the author reviews the research work and looks forward to the bright prospect of Chinese teaching.
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